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  • Glasgow School Board Meets

    Georgie Kulczyk, The Courier|Dec 26, 2018

    The Glasgow School Board met in regular session on Dec. 12. The meeting was held at the GHS library. All trustees were in attendance, along with Rachel Erickson, Brenner Flaten and Mike Zoanni. GHS principal Brett Huntsman was absent. During the public comment period, Lexie Pehlke gave a brief presentation on her recent trip for JMG. Three trustees utilized the board comment period: Trustee Suzanne Billingsley advised that she has been trying to secure a transcript for one of her children via Power School, but has been unable; Trustee Mona...

  • Gingerbread House Making Creates Memories for All

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 26, 2018

    Individuals, friends and families came together on Dec. 18 to decorate gingerbread houses and make memories during the Valley County Extension Office's yearly Gingerbread House Workshop. With bowls filled with frosting and a variety of cookies and candy, everyone was able to create a masterpiece to bring home. The event started 10 years ago on a whim by Extension Agent Roubie Younkin at the Valley County Courthouse Community Room and has grown every year since. "This year the basement of First...

  • VC Students to Address Child Hunger on Youth Council

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 26, 2018

    Two Valley County students were among 20 students selected throughout the state to serve on the 2018-2019 Governor and First Lady Youth Leadership Council to address childhood hunger. On Nov. 30, Katie Kaiser, senior at Glasgow High School, and Kaitlyn Miller, eighth-grader at Nashua School, met with First Lady Bullock in Helena, as well as the other selected students, to not only learn about food insecurity in the state, but also plan, implement and sustain projects to address the issue. During a competitive application process, Kaiser and...

  • Irle School PTO Provides Holiday Cheer to Students and Staff

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 26, 2018

    Due to fundraising efforts so far this school year, the Irle School PTO was able to give back to students and staff this holiday season. On Dec. 10, the PTO purchased fruit pizzas from the Apple Trolley as part of the PTO's Christmas gift to students and staff. The gift was so well received; classes even took the time to write thank you notes and draw pictures for the PTO. "I was so touched at the notes we received," said PTO President Kim Turner. On Dec. 21, students received an extra surprise...

  • Additional Charges Filed In Case of Former Valley County Undersheriff Luke Strommen

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 26, 2018

    The Montana Department of Justice have amended charges earlier this week against former Valley County Undersheriff Luke Strommen alleging that he not only committed the crime of felony Sexual Abuse of a Child but that he is also being charged with Sexual Intercourse Without Consent for a separate incident of inappropriate sexual contact that began when the alleged victim was 14-years old. According to court documents, around Sept. 1, 2009 through 2011, Strommen had repeated sexual intercourse...

  • County Floats Marijuana Ordinance

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    The Valley County Commissioners met at their normal weekly meeting last Wednesday, Dec. 12, to discuss, in addition to their normal business, plans to seek input from the public regarding future county-wide regulations on the operation of a medical marijuana dispensary inside the county but outside the numerous town and city limits. According to the discussion held at the meeting, the County had allowed a previous ordinance, which barred the open operation of a dispensary outside the home, lapsed some time ago and the County had not taken up th...

  • Hospital Guild Honors Rosalie Palazzo

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    At their regular meeting Monday, Dec. 17, at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital, the Hospital Guild honored late member Rosalie Palazzo for her years of service to the guild and specifically for her initiation of the baby hat program. To honor Palazzo, the Guild unveiled a plaque featuring her photograph and a knit baby hat to memorialize her contributions. The Guild also donated a nursing chair to be placed in the nursery for all new parents to use. According to Guild members, Rosalie had...

  • Bryan Elected Long Run Fire Chief

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    Back in 2010, she joined the Long Run Fire Department as a member, a firefighter. In 2013, she became one of three captains in the all-volunteer force. After a stint as a captain, she continued to keep Valley County safe as a deputy chief, and then as an assistant chief. And after nominations in November and a vote in December, Sara Johnson Bryan will be taking over as chief in January, 2019. As she looks forward to the future of the department, Bryan doesn't anticipate drastic changes, but...

  • Lefse Brings Together Three Generations at VVH

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    Residents of Valley View Home had a treat on Dec. 3, when the Lefse Ladies stopped by with ingredients and supplies to make lefse. The Lefse Ladies, comprised of Myrna Lauckner, her daughter, Gwyn Funk, granddaughters Teonna Funk, Tori Arnold and Kelcey Arnold, and other volunteers, rolled, fried and buttered over 200 lefse which were provided to residents throughout the building. "It was such a fun time," said Lauckner. Every year for close to 30 years, Lauckner, with a changing team of volunte...

  • Montana Senators Work to Pass Savanna's Act

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines, both members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, played critical roles in advancing Savanna’s Act, named for murder victim Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind from North Dakota. The bill will improve tribal access to federal databases for tracking missing and unidentified persons, require the Department of Justice to consult with tribes while developing guidelines, mandate reporting statistics regarding missing and murdered Indians to Congress, and provide Indian tribes and law enforcement agencies w...

  • Glasgow Secures Funds for Water System

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    The City of Glasgow has secured rural development funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to proceed with a plan to upgrade the city's water infrastructure. According to City Manager Robert Kompel, the plan will provide resources on upgrading equipment inside the water treatment plant, at pumping stations throughout Glasgow and the water line and at the intake station along the Missouri River. "This is the culmination of five years of effort to get this project going," said Kompel...

  • VFW Awards Essay Winners

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 19, 2018

    The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3107 of Glasgow honored students from Opheim, Hinsdale and Glasgow for their winning submissions to the Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy essay contests at a Christmas dinner last Thursday, Dec. 13 at the VFW Hall on Highway 2. The winner of the Patriot's Pen contest was Kodi Boone, of Hinsdale, and the runner-up finalists were Ellie Stone, of Glasgow, and Carrie Taylor, of Opheim. The Patriot's Pen essay focuses on service to democracy. On their website the...

  • First-Hand Experience Leads to Benefit for Foster Kids

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 12, 2018

    When people hear the name, "Jenn Calkin," immediately you think of her amazing talents behind the camera. She has captured many weddings, taken many first images of babies in the community, provided parents memories of their growing child and have even captured families' love and support of each other during family photo sessions. At her new studio in downtown Glasgow, 233 4th St. S., she is able to provide the opportunity to capture images of children age birth to four that will be cherished...

  • Block of Bucks Breaks Record

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 12, 2018

    The Soroptomist’s annual fundraiser, organized by Denise Forbes Kegel, to purchase winter clothing and outerwear for area children raised a record setting amount of money for the second year in a row. The fundraiser, which gets volunteers to stand on downtown street corners, took place last Friday, Dec. 7, and the temperature was forecast not to rise above 34 degrees. Despite the chilly day, Glasgow and the surrounding area brought in over $37,000, a record breaking total for the event. In 2017,...

  • Vote on Farm Bill Expected

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Dec 12, 2018

    The conference committee report on the 2018 Farm Bill has been released and could be headed for final votes in the House and Senate this week. The House could be voting on the bill Wednesday, Dec. 12, with the Senate potentially following with a vote on Thursday. Representative Greg Gianforte released a statement touting his involvement, “This Farm Bill has Montana’s fingerprints on it, and I’m grateful the conference committee listened and took Montana’s interests into account when putting together this Farm Bill.” Gianforte pushed for measu...

  • NRCS Hosts Open House to Hear Ag Concerns

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 12, 2018

    The Glasgow Natural Resources Conservation Services District Conservationist Tracy Cumber and the Valley County Conservation District held a holiday open house at the United States Department of Agriculture Office in Glasgow on Dec. 10, to hear resource concerns from not only the elected members of the conservation district, but from area farmers and ranchers as well. Cumber explained that the open house was designed to hear from the local agriculture community about their resource concerns. Many of the topics discussed revolved around water...

  • Santa Comes To Town

    Dec 12, 2018

  • Boys in Blue Give Back to Snack Pack Program

    Dec 12, 2018

    The Glasgow Police Department participated in No Shave November. Each officer who participated donated $1 per shift to be able to grow a beard as scruffy or as nice as they wanted....

  • City Obtains 6 ID Scanners to Curb Underage Drinking

    Jennifer Fuller, For the Courier|Dec 12, 2018

    In an effort to reduce underage drinking, several local alcohol retail outlets have partnered with the Valley CARE Coalition to incorporate portable electronic identification scanners for use when verifying a customer’s age for the purchase of alcohol. The substance abuse prevention specialist working with the Glasgow Police Department (GPD) was approached by the owner of a local alcohol retailer who voiced concerns about gaining retail compliance with the age of service regulations. While attending festivals and events in other communities and...

  • Scam Alert

    Dec 12, 2018

    Information has been provided to the Glasgow Courier that a fake email has been used to try and gather information from our clients. If you receive an email asking you to create an encrypted email account, it did not originate from the Courier. Do not follow the link. If you are unsure about correspondence from the Courier please contact us by phone at 228-9301....

  • Middle of Nowhere Polar Plunge Draws 65 Plungers and Huge Crowd of Spectators and Donors

    Dec 5, 2018

    A.J. ETHERINGTON THE COURIER The Middle of Nowhere Polar Plunge, held Dec. 1 and put on by the Glasgow Police Department and the Valley County Sheriff's Office, saw a huge crowd of over 250 people to watch 66 brave Northeast Montanans dive into a pool of frigid water to support Special Olympics Montana. The crowd came out despite a fresh dusting of powder that totaled in the multiple inches and reports of below-freezing temperatures. In all, the event surpassed their goal of raising $15,000...

  • Arson Alleged in Sunday Morning Fire, Suspect in Custody

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 5, 2018

    Valley County Sheriff Vernon Buerkle told the Courier that Kory Amundson has been charged with Felony Arson, Burglary, Criminal Mischief and Criminal Trespass in connection with an early Sunday morning fire on Glasgow's southside. According to Buerkle, Amundson allegedly drove his truck onto the Montana Aviation Research Company's (MARCO) property on Sunday morning Dec. 2, at an unreported time and then hid in one of the structures. The vehicle was discovered and reported by company employees...

  • Judge Rules to Allow Planning Aspects for KXL Pipeline

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 5, 2018

    U.S. District Judge Brian Morris ruled on Nov. 28 that TransCanada can continue to do preliminary work on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline while his order blocking the construction is still in effect. On Nov. 28, TransCanada attorneys argued Judge Morris should clarify or amend his ruling for the injunction to include applying to finalizing contracts, purchase materials, conduct land surveys and discuss federal permits. The company wants to continue preparing so pipeline construction could start as early as mid-February. On Nov. 8, Judge...

  • U.S., Mexico and Canada Reach Agreement to Replace NAFTA

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Dec 5, 2018

    After over a year of negotiations, President Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, signed a deal to implement USMCA and replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. In order for the deal to go into full effect, all three legislative bodies need to approve the agreement, which Trump states he will put pressure on Congress to get it approved. The USMCA will account for more than $1.2 trillion in trade and will include changes to automakers, labor and environmental standards,...

  • Nativity Open House Features Over 280 Pieces

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Dec 5, 2018

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Glasgow held their fourth annual Nativity Open House last week at their location on Airport Road. The event was open to the public for three days spanning from Wednesday the 28th through Friday the 30th. According to one of the event's many organizers Shelley Romo, they had on display over 280 nativities that spanned four rooms. "Our goal is to open every classroom we've got. If people are willing to bring them in and show them," explained Romo...

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