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  • Glasgow School's Pass Levy, End Five-Year Drought

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 13, 2020

    The residents of the Glasgow School District delivered a decisive victory to its students, teachers, staff and administration in the vote for the school’s general operating levy on May 5. With a vote margin of 214 votes, the district’s levy passed with 1,049 voting yes and 835 voting no. Seventeen ballots were turned in where the voter did not vote one way or the other for the levy making the total number of ballots cast 1,901. It is the first time since 2015 that the voters in the district approved a general levy. Also on the ballot were two...

  • Ice Cream Truck Makes Comeback in Glasgow Community

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 13, 2020

    Children and families in Glasgow saw a new addition to their neighborhood last week, the Jump N Buck Ice Cream Truck driven by Kevin Taylor. Over 30 years since Taylor first had an ice cream truck with his brother, Shayne, Taylor is making a comeback to provide treats and smiles to the Glasgow community. "Most people remember the ice cream truck from when they were a kid, not realizing that it was also me then," laughed Taylor. Even though the previous ice cream truck still exists, there is a...

  • Victim Services Provides Information To Community

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|May 13, 2020

    Heather Henry, victim specialist for Glasgow and Valley County, performed community outreach May 2, along with some Glasgow police department officers. The crew teamed up with Valley Cinemas to give away small bags of popcorn to raise awareness of the services the Victim Services division offers. Henry, who also serves Sheridan, Daniels and Phillips counties, has been in her current position for eight months now, bringing to the position a history of behavioral health and a passion for the criminal justice and law enforcement field....

  • Chamber Moving Forward With Spring and Summer Events

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|May 13, 2020

    “Having our events outdoors helps,” Lisa Koski, executive director of the Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, told the Courier about her organization’s plans to proceed this spring and summer as Montana moves toward reopening through stages. After more than a month of the Chamber’s calendar showing “Cancelled” in front of most every event, organizers are looking forward to hosting their annual Milk River Catfish Days Friday, June 5, and Saturday, June 6, in conjunction with the 21st annual Milk River Catfish Classic, with the fi...

  • Wrong Ballots Arrive For Some Glasgow Residents

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 13, 2020

    It was May 11, primary ballots had just arrived, and Kevin Taylor was looking forward to voting for his candidate of choice in the Montana HD 33 representative race, but there was a problem. Taylor's preferred candidate was not on his ballot. Figuring he must have gotten a state-wide ballot and would later get the local ballot he filled out his votes and returned it by mail. Then he talked to Valley County Republican Central Committee Chair Sara Swanson about the vote, asking if he would see...

  • Submitted Political Content

    May 13, 2020

    All content submitted that promotes or endorses a candidate for office must run as "Paid Political Content." Rates are available by contacting [email protected] or calling 228-9301. No exceptions can be made to this policy....

  • Quiet Streets Call For Improvised Training

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 6, 2020

    For GPD Senior Patrolman Josh Nolan it was a simple solution to a complex problem. What do you do when you have to train and evaluate a brand-new officer (Jonas Tommeson), but COVID-19 measures have reduced the overall number of incidents you are responding to? The answer: you create realistic scenarios, stick your trainee in the middle of them and don't tell him it is an exercise. That is what Nolan did on the evening of April 18 on Glasgow's northside. He orchestrated a training exercise that...

  • Nemont Makes Distance Learning Easier For Community

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 6, 2020

    The shift from in-person instruction at school to distance learning at home was difficult for some teachers, students and their families who might not have had the necessary tools to succeed in the new environment of learning. As schools scrambled to create distance learning plans and families figured out how they fit into that plan, Nemont recognized the struggles the new normal of learning might bring to members of the community. The Nemont Cooperative Board of Directors approved funds to donate 400 Chromebooks, set up WiFi hot spots in a num...

  • Fresh Offering This Fall

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|May 6, 2020

    Jasper is a stone representing physical strength and energy, known as the "supreme nurturer" for sustaining and supporting in times of stress, and bringing tranquility and wholeness. The stone is the namesake for Dyan Carlson's new restaurant in downtown Glasgow, tentatively set to open in September. Housed in the space formerly occupied by Little Campers and the Wheatgrass Arts Gallery, Jasper will be a grab-and-go lunch spot featuring dishes currently served under the auspices of Carlson's...

  • A Local Way to Give Back

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 6, 2020

    CEO of First Community Bank in Glasgow Sam Waters wanted to find a way to give back to the community. As a bank in northeast Montana there were a number of opportunities for them to do just that, but Waters was looking for something different. Waters decided to reach out to the Glasgow Stockyards, the Valley County Food Bank, purchase a bull at auction, pay Treasure Trail Meats to butcher and process it and then donate the nearly 1,000 lbs of hamburger to the local food bank. According to FCB's...

  • Montana One Of Few States In The Country To Resume Limited Census Operations

    For the Courier|May 6, 2020

    The U.S. Census Bureau announced on May 4 that Montana will be one of the few states in the nation to resume update leave operations this week. Update leave is a census operation that delivers census questionnaires directly to you in mainly rural and remote areas of the country. Montana has among the highest percentage of update leave in the country. During this operation, census employees will leave census packets on doors. They will have Census identification and be wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) and practice social distancing...

  • Gov. Moves to Lift COVID Measures

    A.J. Etherington, The Cou|Apr 29, 2020

    After weeks of social distancing guidelines, stay-at-home orders, quarantines and business, bar and restaurant closures, Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced on April 14 that the state will begin a phased reopening of the economy. It's a move that has delighted and frightened many at the same time but comes as Montana experiences some of the lowest COVID-19 infection rates in the country. Montana also has experienced few deaths, especially when compared to neighboring midwestern and northwes...

  • Schools To Finish Year Online

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Apr 29, 2020

    Governor Bullock announced a phased reopening plan on April 22 in order to provide Montanans with the ability to return to a little bit of normalcy. The plan included schools having the option to return to in-classroom teaching beginning May 7 while considering cleaning and sanitation protocols, sick policies and limiting class sizes. As a result of the Governor’s May 7 date, the Montana High School Association announced the spring 2020 sports season has been canceled due to in-person instruction not returning by May 4. Following the a...

  • Census Canvas On Hold Due To COVID

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Apr 29, 2020

    During the month of March, Valley County residents started to receive invitations to respond to the 2020 Census. Residents with physical mailing address were sent a paper questionnaire with a unique identification number followed up with an invitation card a few days or weeks later welcoming the resident to complete the Census online if they would prefer. Residents with P.O. boxes however did not receive the invitation as they were part of the Census’ update/leave operation, which was placed on hold as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, l...

  • Sprucing Up the Place

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Apr 29, 2020

    Two Rivers Economic Growth's fourth annual Community Clean Up Day was held April 22, and locals took advantage of the chance to get out of their homes to beautify the area. "We had more participation this year than we did last year, which is wonderful and I'm not sure if it was because of the nice weather or quarantine or possibly both," laughed Executive Director Keegan Morehouse. She said TREG had 30 people sign up and take advantage of the clean up supplies provided at the office. The organiz...

  • Rimrock and EMCMHC Expand Services

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Apr 29, 2020

    Rimrock, located in Billings, and Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center (EMCMHC) have announced an expansion of their services in eastern Montana. The two organizations will be offering Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) as an option for individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD). A press release on the service expansion notes that SUD is a chronic illness and needs to be treated as such. MAT involves prescription medications for patients who are facing alcohol and opioid addiction while also using behavioral therapy and...

  • Glasgow Schools Pass Levy, End Five-Year Drought

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Apr 29, 2020

    The residents of the Glasgow School District delivered a decisive victory to its students, teachers, staff and administration in the vote for the school’s general operating levy on May 5. With a vote margin of 214 votes, the district’s levy passed with 1,049 voting yes and 835 voting no. Seventeen ballots were turned in where the voter did not vote one way or the other for the levy making the total number of ballots cast 1,901. It is the first time since 2015 that the voters in the district approved a general levy. Also on the ballot were two...

  • Fed. Judge Puts Parts of KXL On Hold-Again

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    Army veteran and Assiniboine-Sioux Tribe member Lance Fourstar's voice was being carried out over the prairie by a stiff westerly wind as he chanted a traditional Native American song accompanied by a drum and flute. The sounds traveled out overtop of the Keystone XL pipeline's border crossing from Canada as diesel engines revved and back up signals beeped in the distance on April 14. As Fourstar sang, an elder woman danced and played the flute, and a youth played the drums while the other...

  • Gov. Looks to Gradually Reopen Montana

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    In a press call on April 17, Governor Steve Bullock said that Montanans were flattening the curve related to the spread of coronavirus in the state. He followed up the announcement by stating that a plan was being considered to begin reopening the economy sometime after April 24—which is when the current statewide orders are set to expire. “We’ve worked to protect our vulnerable populations and removed as many people from the chain of transmission as possible, both to reduce infections but also to save lives,” said the governor. “In short we...

  • Nashua Receives DoC Grant

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    The Montana Department of Commerce last week announced nine Montana communities will be sharing more than $132,000 in planning grants through the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP). The town of Nashua will be receiving $12,723 of that money for a water Preliminary Engineering Report. Nashua Clerk and Treasurer Christina Washington told the Department of Commerce, “The Town of Nashua’s infrastructure is outdated, some areas dating back to 1974. We have experienced numerous freezing meters, main lines, and issues with providing service. Thi...

  • EMCMHC Welcomes New Prevention Specialist

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center, 1009 Sixth Ave. N., Glasgow, is one of many locations serving eastern Montana, providing quality, professional, comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment services to citizens in the areas they serve. As a non-profit private agency, services are provided to the public in need of behavioral health treatment including mental health and substance abuse assessments, outpatient services, case management, medication management,...

  • FMDH Financial Conditions

    For the Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    While hospitals nationwide are issuing furloughs to their employees in response to the financial deficits from providing limited services during the COVID-19 pandemic, Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital currently has no plans to lay off staff. To date, our revenue is down 51 percent due to the cancellation of nonessential surgeries and appointments. FMDH has always operated under a strong focus of stewardship and maintaining financial stability, and because of these practices we are able to keep staff employed. FMDH is also participating in the...

  • Glasgow Clinic Primary Care Now Open For Most Patients

    For the Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    With much planning and many precautions in place, the FMDH Glasgow Clinic Primary Care is now open to care for most non-respiratory patients. This is not “back to business as usual,” as staffing is still limited and we continue to monitor conditions daily. We take our responsibility to care for our community members very seriously and are committed to taking care of patients with chronic conditions and those who need regular evaluation in order to address any health concerns and insure early detection and treatment. While we systematically reo...

  • Valley County Airport Receives Federal Funding

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    Valley County's Wokal Field is one of 71 airports in Montana that will be receiving federal funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Airport Grant program, according to press releases from the U.S. Department of Transportation and Montana Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester. The CARES Act is part of the federal government's response to address the economic impacts caused by the global pandemic. Senators Daines and Tester announced that $73.8 million will be d...

  • Pool Fundraising Update

    For the Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    The Valley County Friends of Glasgow Pool (Valley County Community Pool Campaign) would like to update everyone on our fundraising progress to date. Unfortunately, our two spring fundraisers planned had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The good news is we are planning on rescheduling the Wine Flight & Charcuterie Night for this fall. To those that have already bought tickets, we thank you. Your tickets are still valid and you will be notified when we have solidified a new date for our event. You are still entered into our grand...

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