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  • Local Law Enforcement Stepping Up Seat Belt Enforcement

    For the Courier|May 22, 2024

    Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, Valley County DUI Task Force, and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) encourage all Montanans to buckle up, even for short trips or when driving slowly. Increased patrols and enforcement of seat belt laws will be underway across the state to ensure the safety of all road users. Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, Valley County DUI Task Force MHP, and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) are committed to public safety, including seat belt safety. Mon... Full story

  • Tester Secures Senate Passage Of Key Priorities For Montana's Rural Airports

    For the Courier|May 22, 2024

    U.S. Senator Jon Tester has included his priorities for increasing affordable air service in Montana in legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that passed the Senate May 9. “Reliable and affordable air service is essential for Montanans to run their businesses, see their friends and families, and stay connected with the rest of the country, but too often rural airports fall through the cracks,” said Tester. “That’s why I was proud to see my Small Community Air Service Enhancement Act clear the Senate to ensure Mont...

  • Music Stores

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|May 22, 2024

    Remember when Glasgow had a Music Store? In thinking of the Roger’ s grocery, I thought of the Music store that used to be located on that block. As I have reminded my readers in the past, I do not do any research on many of my thoughts, but this memory made me wonder where some of the items that we purchased at this store are purchased now. I am thinking of those of you that need reeds, pads, drum sticks, and other items that seemed to be needed quite frequently if you played in the school band. Other items found there of course were vinyl r...

  • VFW Welcomes All To Honor Veterans This Weekend

    For the Courier|May 22, 2024

    Memorial Day weekend will be busy here in Glasgow. Saturday morning May 25, volunteers will meet at the Highland Cemetery at 9 a.m. to place flags on all veterans’ grave sites. Come help us out as the more help we have, the less time it takes. This should only take a couple of hours at most so the rest of your day will be free. We will pick up the flags at 1 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 27. The Memorial Day program will be held at the VFW starting at 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting, it will be held outside in the parking lot next to the flag memoria... Full story

  • USDA Announces Exciting Updates To WIC Food Packages, Enhancing Choice For Participants

    For the Courier|May 22, 2024

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced significant updates to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) food packages, marking a pivotal moment in the program’s history. These updates, rooted in independent, science-based research, reinforce WIC’s 50-year legacy of promoting positive maternal and child health outcomes for millions of participants nationwide. As outlined in the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, USDA’s final rule incorporates several key enhance...

  • Loyalty Day 2024

    May 22, 2024

    Irle Elementary students started May 1 off with an assembly provided by special guests VFW Post 3017 members Art Widhalm, Jason Myers, Joe Yeoman and Doug Peterson. These guests spoke to the students about Loyalty Day, which occurs every May 1 to reinforce loyalty to our country. The day was first designated by Congress in 1958 and was initiated by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The speakers explained to the students that Loyalty Day is the day citizens should show loyalty by listening to...

  • Glasgow School Board Meets In Regular Session

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 15, 2024

    The Glasgow School Board met in regular session on May 8, with the meeting starting off with the annual re-organization of the board of trustees. The first order of business was the canvass and approval of the election results from the May 7 school election, which includes the failure of the $197,500 Safety and Security Building Reserve Fund Levy and the election, by acclamation, of Chrissa Nelson and Derek Beadle to the Board of Trustees. After the motion was carried for the canvass and approval of the election results, Clerk Kelly Doornek...

  • Valley County May Election Results

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 15, 2024

    Valley County School District and the Fort Peck Rural County Water District Special District Election was held on May 7. The following are the unofficial results as each school board and the District board finalize these results with the canvass during their next scheduled meetings. The Glasgow School Student Safety Building Levy failed with 880 votes against and 675 votes for. The Building Fund Safety Levy asked if the Board of Trustees should be authorized to annually levy 12.18 mills, approximately $197,500 each year in the Building Reserve...

  • Aurora Skies

    May 15, 2024

  • GNDC and SBDC Announce Winners Of The Third Minnow Tank Business Plan Competition

    For the Courier|May 15, 2024

    Great Northern Development Corporation (GNDC) and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are thrilled to announce the winners of the Third Minnow Tank Business Plan Competition. This event, which aimed to foster economic growth in Northeastern Montana, attracted entrepreneurs and existing businesses from the region. After careful consideration and evaluation, the judges and live audience have selected the following winners: Startup Category Winner: Wolf Point Mercantile (Roosevelt County)...

  • Glasgow Golf Win Divisionals On Home Course

    May 15, 2024

  • Older American Month

    For the Courier|May 15, 2024

    May is being proclaimed as Older American Month. The Act was passed in Montanan in 1987 and was adopted by the Philosophy of the Older American Act of 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Act was to raise awareness and encourage community involvement, which did both of these things well. It addressed the struggles of older Americans. It introduced programs, transportation assistance, federally funded adult day care, legal assistance and other services for seniors. It paved the way to...

  • Sincerely Apologize For Graduation Issue

    May 15, 2024

    We at the Glasgow Courier would like to sincerely apologize for the print quality of the Graduation Issue highlighting our County seniors. We are getting this special section reprinted at a different printing press and are currently in the process of figuring out when we will have it in our hands for distribution. If you would like to see a cleaner version of the Graduation Issue, please selection "Special Section" in the banner and the first link will state 2024 Graduation Issue. Click on that and the special section will o... Full story

  • Montana Supreme Court Reverses Strommen Conviction

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 8, 2024

    The Montana Supreme Court reversed the conviction of former Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Luke Strommen on April 30. Due to the 4-2 decision by the Supreme Court, Strommen’s case is now remanded for a new trial. In December of 2018, Strommen was charged with sexual intercourse without consent. He was found guilty after the July 2020 jury determined he had initiated a non-consensual sexual relationship with the victim when she was 14 years old and the actions continued for years while Strommen was working as a Valley County Sheriff’s Deput...

  • Glasgow School Board Selects And Interview Flaten For Open Superintendent Position

    Michelle Bigelbach, T|May 8, 2024

    The Glasgow School Board met in special session on April 30 to discuss the five Superintendent applications that were received to fill the vacancy that will be left by Wade Sundby at the end of June. After serving Glasgow Schools for four years, Sundby has accepted a position in Cut Bank. The five candidates included two in-state applicants, one of which is a current district employee, and three out-of-state applicants. The five candidates, their location and current position are as follows: Brenner Flaten Glasgow, Mont., Vice-principal- Irle...

  • Fight For Your Future X

    May 8, 2024

    Fight fans came together on May 4 at the Valley Event Center for an exciting night of mixed martial arts (MMA) action as part of KillEagle Promotions' Fight For Your Future X. The fight was host to 10 professional and amateur fighters featuring boxing and MMA. Representing Glasgow were Bobby Overbey, Thomas Kachler and Bridger Barnett while Tyson Sutherland, Jonathan Williams and Mason Garfield represented the Fort Peck Reservation during the night's activities. The night of fights raised money...

  • Nashua's FFA Host Fundraiser For Town's Senior Citizens Center

    Tracy Cumber, For the Courier|May 8, 2024

    Within our very own community of Nashua, the Nashua Public School has reintroduced an agricultural curriculum into the school and is offered to grades eight through 12. Future Farmers of America (FFA) is an intra-curricular part of the program and students are given the option to serve as members of the officially chartered FFA-MT0142. Our vision is to grow a program designed to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experiences in and about agriculture. The goal of our Agricultural...

  • Frazer Students Have Drug Prevention Artwork Displayed In Glasgow

    Teri Mech, For the Courier|May 8, 2024

    In 2022 the Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program held a Valley County wide school art contest for all students, to have their Tobacco/Vaping Prevention poster displayed on a bench in the town of Glasgow. Frazer students, Kalianna Blount and Takoa Old Person were the only students that submitted their artwork. Due to unforeseen circumstances the poster was not able to be placed on the bench until April 30. Stop by and check out what these girls have accomplish at 2nd Ave South and 5th St....

  • Suspect Killed In Phillips County Shooting

    For the Courier|May 8, 2024

    At 7:39 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, Phillips County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to an address south of Saco for a person who had been shot. The suspect was reported still to be armed and threatened that anyone coming into the yard would get shot. Deputies and ambulance personnel responded to the scene. The suspect was confronted, resulting in a pursuit. During the pursuit, the suspect rammed his vehicle into a deputy’s car, disabling it. The deputies responded with deadly force and the suspect was killed. The original gunshot victim was...

  • 2024 MCC Outstanding Graduate Award (Career & Technical Division): Tyann Graham

    For the Courier|May 8, 2024

    Each year at Miles Community College, distinguished graduating student awards are given to three MCC students based on the individual's time as a student, including their academic and co-curricular involvement. These awards are presented at graduation ceremonies and are given in three divisions: General/Arts and Sciences, Career and Technical, and Nursing. Nominations are submitted in the spring by MCC faculty and staff. This year, the Class of 2024 Outstanding Graduate in the Career and...

  • Glasgow Schools Start Search For New Superintendent

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 1, 2024

    The Glasgow School Board is scheduled to review applications for the open Superintendent position April 30, and then conduct interviews the following day, Wednesday, May 1. Review of applications are set to be done via Zoom while the interviews are scheduled to be held in person in the District Board Room. The School Board has received five applications for the open position including three from out of state and two from Montana including an application from a current district employee. The person selected will replace Wade Sundby who has...

  • Glasgow School Board Selects Flaten To Interview For Open Superintendent Position

    Michelle Bigebach, The Courier|May 1, 2024

    The Glasgow School Board met in special session on April 30 to discuss the five Superintendent applications that were received to fill the vacancy that will be left by Wade Sundby at the end of June. After serving the Glasgow Schools for four years, Sundby has accepted a position in Cut Bank. The five candidates included two in-state applicants, one of which is a current district employee, and three out-of-state applicants. The five candidates, their location and current position are as follows: Brenner Flaten Glasgow, Mont., Vice-principal-...

  • Glasgow School Board Addresses Budget Shortfall

    For the Courier|May 1, 2024

    The Glasgow School Board of Trustees continues to address the budget shortfall to the general fund, the main source of funding for the District. On April 23 the Board met in a work session and made the decision to move forward with the elimination of a principal position, after the Irle School Principal requested to be transferred to a teaching position. One principal position will be absorbed by attrition, saving the district nearly $84,000. This is in addition to $160,000 in cuts previously made, also through attrition, including three...

  • Valley County Community Foundation Announces Grant Awardees

    For the Courier|May 1, 2024

    The Valley County Community Foundation Chair Doris Leader is thrilled to announce that $45,210 is going back into our community to fund projects across Valley County. The 2024 Grant Application process was very competitive with 19 applications for requests of over $98,000. The Foundation board was thoroughly impressed with the community projects going on throughout the county that ensure our communities will continue to thrive for years to come. The establishment of the Foundation was solely to provide access to capital to be used for the...

  • Nashua School Board Candidates

    May 1, 2024

    Editor’s Note The following are statements from the four Nashua School Board trustee candidates who are running to serve on the Nashua School Board. All four candidates have provided permission to the Glasgow Courier to run these statements and have been published in their entirety. These four candidates are running for two open seats on the School Board. The incumbents are Sharon Merideth and Tim Bellon while Mark Bengochea and Kayla Thievin would be new to the position if elected. This election is an all-mail-ballot election. The ballots m... Full story

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