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  • We Are the Dicks

    Norman Dick, GPD Patrolman|Aug 25, 2021

    Don't let the last name fool you – we are actually a nice family. My name is Norman Dick, and I recently joined the Glasgow Police Department as a patrolman. I started with the department at the beginning of December and attended the Montana Basic Law Enforcement Academy this past spring. My family and I are from Missoula. Our journey here started when I joined the Montana Army National Guard and applied for police officer job openings around the state. I moved here with my wife, Nataliya, a...

  • Remembering Those Who Have Passed On

    Frank and Lin Vargo, Special to the Courier|Aug 25, 2021

    Saint Marie Fire Chief August Aho's father, Todd Owen Aho, passed away August 17 in Billings after a lengthy illness. Todd Aho would have been only 60-years-young next month. In August's own words: “Dad touched many lives during his time with us and could always put a smile on your face when you needed it. "He had an infectious laugh and if he was smiling so were you. "Dad made friends easily and always had a smart ass comment for a smart ass question. "We would like to thank everyone that had a part in caring for dad in these past years. "...

  • Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud.

    Richard Noble, Special to the Courier|Aug 25, 2021

    While the rain-bearing variety has been in short supply here up until lately, a very different type of cloud thrums away out of sight. It doesn’t keep crops green or reduce our risk of fires, but it does enable us to operate businesses in a modern world and store the photos and documents we couldn’t imagine losing. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the cloud! Chances are you’ve been using the cloud without even knowing it. If you’ve ever used Facebook or Gmail, congratulations - those are both incredibly famous examples of applications host...

  • Remember When

    Gwen Cornwell, Special to the Courier|Aug 25, 2021

    Our weather has definitely been one for the record books. So many times on the news we hear of another city, town, or community suggesting water restrictions. Some of us well remember saving water, but it was not due to any mandate from high up officials. Do you remember bathing when more than one child or person used the same bath water? Your hair was shampooed no more than once a week. How about doing dishes, by hand of course. The rinse water was never run down the drain (of course not many had a drain anyway.) This water was saved to maybe...

  • Taking a Gamble with Fused Glass

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Aug 25, 2021

    Even with great care and a scientific approach, creating fused glass is always a gamble, says Glasgow artist Bridget Stiverson. "I am in control of what goes in, but the kiln is in control of what comes out. There are times where if you have a little dot or stringer, and you didn't do the science behind the fusing schedule {properly], they can jump from piece to piece and ruin it." These do not result in happy accidents, Stiverson said. Still, no mistakes end up in the garbage pale. The ruined g...

  • 'Terms of Endearment' to Conclude Fort Peck Theatre '21 Season

    FPST|Aug 25, 2021

    Following in the footsteps of popular stage versions of timeless movies from previous seasons, such as "Driving Miss Daisy," "Steel Magnolias" and "On Golden Pond," Fort Peck Summer Theatre (FPST) brings Terms of Endearment to the stage. Artistic Director Andy Meyers directs the final offering of the 2021 season. The stage version is based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Larry McMurtry. As several challenges test the resilience of a mother-daughter relationship, this bittersweet...

  • Cookin' in the Kitchen with K-Dizzle

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    After sharpening his skills sating the demanding tastes of big name comics and movie stars, Chef Kevin Bennett has returned to Glasgow to share his talents with the local populous. Bennett, 33, of St. Marie, is the head chef at Soma Dis Deli on Main Street in Glasgow. These days, he bakes bread and prepares many of the ingredients slated for inclusion in the establishments storied sandwiches. Being in the "Middle of Nowhere" is a far cry from sunny California beaches, but is a welcome break for...

  • Fine Artist Cathryn (Reitler) McIntyre's Work Featured in "Western Art Walk"

    Staff Reports|Aug 18, 2021

    Fine Artist Cathryn Reitler McIntyre (formerly Sugg) will be a Featured Artist at Great Falls' Hilton Garden Inn on Aug. 19 through 21. This Exhibition is a part of the Special Edition: Western Art Walk in Great Falls. McIntyre said the exhibition will focus on sharing contemporary western artworks created in a non-traditional way. For example, oil paintings on metal assemblage surfaces. McIntyre will preview her highly popular "Running Her Own Herd" painting. In addition to these works,...

  • Corn, Cooking, Combining

    Mary Honrud, Special to the Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    The corn is starting to bear a few smallish ears. While they're on the small side, skinny and short, the flavor is big. The stalks are really tall so the size of the ears is a disappointment. The live trap is set between two rows, where it will be somewhat easy for me to drag it out should it fulfill its duty and be occupied by a heavy, snarling raccoon. This year, I'm shucking the corn inside the house and disposing of the husks and silk in the garbage. I'm hoping the lack of good corn aroma...

  • He personified the word "gentle" in gentleman.

    Frank and Lin Vargo, Special to the Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    Ron was tall and lanky, and walked slowly but with meaning. He spoke quietly to me and Lin as he began to sit down in his chair at Shady Rest RV Park. He and Cary, his wife, like this RV park and came here every year and they would take their Motor Home into the parking spot that he and Cary liked to be in. We liked visiting with them at Shady Rest as well as so many others who frequent the park. Ron made friends through out the sites. A kind of good will ambassador of Rvers. He would show up in the neighboring rv spots sort of unexpectedly...

  • Breathe In. Breathe Out. Hit Send.

    Richard Noble, Special to the Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    Email etiquette. It’s simple, right? Tap out something relevant, informative or witty on your favorite screen-toting device and fire it over the internet to whomever’s eyes you hope it might reach. Signed, sealed, delivered. Are there really pitfalls to such a well-established method of communicating? Well actually… Email has been with us for a long while, now. The first one was sent way back in 1971 after all. Since that very early test message, we’ve embraced electronic mail to the tune of around 300 billion emails per day. Per day! It’s a...

  • Gumbo Gals

    Linda Sibley, Special to the Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    The Gumbo Gals Garden Club of Nashua thoroughly enjoyed their June gathering. Members congregated at the yard and garden of Dr. Sam Espeland of Glasgow for an afternoon of viewing his many wonderful trees, plants and vegetable garden. Sam’s many years of gardening organically with no added fertilizers or pesticides seems to have worked wonderfully. The many healthy and vigorous plants all showed great success, with his tried and true methods of soil improvement. His rhubarb harvest has a... Full story

  • 'I Believe' Diamond Rio Rocked the House

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Aug 11, 2021

    The Saturday Night Finale of the 2021 Northeast Montana Fair was not to be missed, as veteran country band "Diamond Rio" took the stage in the middle of the arena to end the event on one heck of a high note. Marty Roe, lead singer, noted it was a great pleasure for he and the band to perform in the "Middle of Nowhere." During their set, the band played many of their hits. Roe said the band had intended on performing some of their more modern music, but feedback from the crowd changed their...

  • Will There Be An Early Autumn This Year?

    Mary Honrud, Green Spaces|Aug 11, 2021

    For the past few weeks, whenever the wind has blown, dried up leaves from the shade trees have been blown down. They’re scattered all over the lawn. The stress of the drought has overcome the amount of watering of the yard I’ve been able to do. I’ve concentrated more on the garden, for my edibles. It’s so sad to see all the devastation from the lack of rain. Because of the drought, and at Dennis’s suggestion, I’d removed the grass catcher attachment from the mower, figuring the lawn needed the extra mulching to help hold in what water it go...

  • 'We Do What We Can to Protect What We Can'

    Frank and Lin Vargo, Adventures in St. Marie|Aug 11, 2021

    What makes Sara of Long Run, run? Just when the Long Run Firefighters thought that they might have a break from fighting wildfires such as the massive 447-acre-wildfire about three miles from Saint Marie, MT in the early morning hours on 17 of July, another one, albeit only about 5-acres, this time 4 miles up route 24, Chief Sara Johnson-Bryan led her fire crew into the fields again. It was Saturday the 31st this time, and perhaps she was looking forward to enjoying her weekend off with her...

  • Another Fair year is Behind Us

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Aug 11, 2021

    Another Fair year is behind us. I am sure that many of our area residents are breathing a sigh of relief. It takes a lot of commitment on the part of many to have a Fair. I am remembering some things that were a given at the Fair. Does anyone remember the many games of Horseshoes that were played between the Culinary buildings at the Fairgrounds. Was this organized by the Fair Board or some area resident that had an interest? Our Fair is a wonderful social time and I would imagine many area residents would be more than welcome to volunteer to...

  • Does Your Toaster Need WiFi? Perhaps.

    Richard Noble, Want For Tech|Aug 11, 2021

    The Internet of Things, or IoT. This is what we call the ever-growing list of household items which have gained internet connectivity in recent years. The benefits are easy to see, with smart thermostats and dusk-aware lights making our homes generally a more pleasant place to spend time. This does however bring about concerns regarding security and device longevity. Is there anything to that concern? Are we selling our digital souls for the ability to make toast from anywhere in the world? We...

  • 'Preserving Our Past for Our Future'

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    With antiquities and historical documents aplenty, the Valley County Pioneer Museum has much to offer Valley County residents stopping in to brush on their history. "We do a lot of research," Ruthie Moran, Museum Supervisor, told The Courier during a recent visit. "People email us or come in to ask us about their grandparents who homesteaded here, and we try to look them up and find information for them. We have a lot of histories we have wrote up about the homesteaders." The staff also provides...

  • Once Upon a Time in Montana

    HELEN DEPUYDT, Special to the Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    Mary Jane had quite a tale to share. At this time, she was residing in her home on Central Avenue in Malta. She was part Chippewa and proud of it. In 1921, while she and her small daughter - about a year old - were visiting during Christmas time at her parent's home, they both came down with measles. Black dots appeared all over their bodies. Mary Jane wanted baths for both of them, but her mother told her in her native language, "Dear girl, you must not give her a bath - she'll get very sick."...

  • The Work From Home Revolution

    Richard Noble, Special to the Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    There aren't many pleasant things we can take away from the recent pandemic. The ways in which it tested us were further reaching than we could have imagined. One silver lining to this particularly grey cloud, however, is how employers were forced to handle their workforce. Those who could work from home were suddenly allowed to do so and, as a result, we learned a few things. Chief among the learning opportunities is: dining tables make for terrible workspaces. In June of last year, the percent...

  • Berries and Beans

    Mary Honrud, Special to the Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    While we've had a couple of "cooler" (80's rather than 100's) days recently, we still haven't had any rain to speak of. The sky teased us with a few sprinkles last Thursday: we called it an 8" rain as there was 8" of space between raindrops. Laughing is better than crying which would only waste more moisture. Now, the brutal heat has resumed. It's a constant struggle to keep both the garden and the yard watered. Some sections of lawn aren't getting watered and look as bad as the rangelands. A...

  • 'God Put the Fire Out...'

    Frank and Lin Vargo, Special to the Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    What if there was a fire and no one came? This could have happened with our Saint Marie Fire Department. On Tuesday, July 27th, the Saint Marie Fire Board held their monthly meeting. This meeting started off as most board meetings do, but by the time the Chief's report came around, it was clear there were issues that needed to be heard. It was a very contentious St. Marie Fire Board meeting. Chairman Patrick Trotter did a rather magnificent job in maintaining decorum and order what with the...

  • Carnivals at the Fair

    Gwen Cornwell, Special to the Courier|Aug 4, 2021

    I am remembering Fairs of the past. I remember hearing of the time the Valley Co, Fair grounds was located on the Airport hill. Before my time and that of many of my friends! Memories that some of many remember are when the fair was held in September. What an inconvenience for school age exhibitors, or maybe it was a real excuse not to attend school. If memory serves correct, livestock exhibitors were expected to go to the school, register, and then were able to check out to go and care for...

  • Northeast Montana Fair

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Jul 28, 2021

    Crazy motocross stunts, wild horses, fair food and a demolition derby are many of the main attractions sure to thrill attendees of the 2021 Northeast Montana Fair starting Saturday. The fair was largely canceled in 2020, due to COVID-19, but is returning this year, sans a carnival. Last year, "we canceled all the big events, the night shows," said Paul McColly, Chairman of the Valley County Fair Commission. "All we did was the 4H and the Open Class entries. Livestock. They put a lot of work...

  • 'The Game is Afoot'

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Jul 21, 2021

    Shenanigans meet Sherlock in Fort Peck Theatre's ongoing production of "Baskerville." The farce is an adaption by Ken Ludwig of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, "The Hound of the Baskervilles," the third of four crime novels in a series first published in 1901 and 1902 in The Strand Magazine. It happens mostly on Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country. The fast paced "who-dunnit" comedy, stars Treyson Sherk as the famous detective and Mathias Oliver as trusty sidekick Watson. The play also stars...

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