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(153) stories found containing 'Bureau of Land Management'

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  • Top Headlining Articles of 2020

    Courier Staff|Dec 29, 2021

    Biden Intends to Rescind Keystone XL Permit JAN. 20 - In yet another setback to TC Energy and the building of the Keystone XL pipeline, CBC in Canada was first to report on Jan. 17 confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden's intent to rescind the KXL pipeline permit. Biden campaigned on canceling the Canadian pipeline project, which will run through Valley County, after having opposed it during his time as Vice President under President Barack Obama. Obama punted the controversial political...

  • 'They're Approaching the Tyrannosaur Paddock'

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Oct 20, 2021

    Hovering directly above the remains of a tyrannosaurid discovered in the Badlands of Valley County, helicopter pilot Rob Sperry needed to remain stationary as archaeologist Josh Chase connected a steel cable hanging from the Chinook to the steel frame on the ground containing the fossils. Not only did Chase need to be wary of the cable and hook –weighing in excess of 100 pounds and potentially becoming a wrecking ball – but of the electricity generated by the helicopter. "That helicopter gen...

  • Knudsen Calls on BLM to Scrap Bison Grazing Proposal

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Oct 6, 2021

    Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is worried the American Prairie Reserve's (APR) bison grazing change of use permit proposal could have a disastrous economic impact on Valley County farmers and Ranchers. "I think it moves in that direction, that is the concern," Knudsen told The Courier over the phone late last week. "One of the big concerns I have is there seems to be two different sets of rules. There is a set of rules for farmers and ranchers who have these federal allotments, and...

  • Ranchers Against Proposed BLM Bison Rule

    Pierre Bibbs, Phillips County News|Sep 22, 2021

    Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen at 6 p.m. Sept. 15 stopped by the Malta High School Auditorium to give citizens a chance to comment on a grazing issue involving Bison, the American Prairie Reserve, and the Bureau of Land Management. Phillipts County News (a sister newspaper of The Courier) caught up with Montana AG Knudsen after the event. "It went great," Knudsen said. "We had a huge turnout, way bigger than we expected." The event, which hosted over 250 concerned citizens, gave those...

  • OP-ED: Why American Prairie's plans are good for Montana

    Pete Geddes, American Prairie|Sep 15, 2021

    Lately, deliberate misrepresentations have been circulating regarding American Prairie’s proposal to graze bison on six federal allotments in Phillips County. While most Montanan’s who have commented thus far clearly welcome our proposal, some remain committed to a misinformation campaign based on rumors and misdirection. This only serves to perpetuate divisions and erode our civic fabric. As such, I am compelled to set the record straight. The Bureau of Land Management can issue grazing permits or leases and modify existing permits to sub... Full story

  • 'Where Did You Dig Up That Old Fossil?'

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Sep 8, 2021

    Out in the Badlands of Valley County lie the last remains of a herd of duck-billed dinosaurs. No one knows for sure how the little group of Hadrosaurids met their end. But, paleontologists from the Badlands Dinosaur Museum of Dickinson, North Dakota are collecting forensic evidence to make a best guess. "They had a bad day somehow," Dr. Denver Fowler, PhD., Curator of the Badlands Dinosaur Museum, told The Courier during a recent visit to the dig site. "A little herd of them all died. All the...

  • Hunters must expect to see bears

    Sep 8, 2021

    FOR THE COURIER Grizzly bears have the potential to be found anywhere in the western two-thirds of Montana (west of Billings), and their distribution is denser and more widespread than in previous years. Some areas with dense concentrations of grizzly bears are very accessible to hunters, especially during the archery season. Keep these precautions in mind when hunting in grizzly country: Carry and know how to use bear spray. Keep it within easy reach and be prepared to use it immediately. Stay alert, especially when hearing or visibility is...

  • Block Management Program Info Available

    Aug 18, 2021

    FOR THE COURIER HELENA – Hunters are now able to obtain the 2021 Block Management Area (BMA) program information. Hunters are encouraged to request their 2021 BMA Access Guide online and download or print individual BMA maps at By utilizing the FWP website, hunters will have instant access to the Access Guide and up-to-date BMA maps and rules for every individual BMA enrolled in the program. “Obtaining these individual BMA maps and rules via our website are key to successfully utilizing the BMA program as not all...

  • Three County Commissioners Voice Opposition to President Biden's '30x30' Initiative

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|May 19, 2021

    The Three Valley Commissioners have approved a resolution opposing the federal government’s “30x30” land preservation goal. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Jan. 27 he said would help restore balance on public lands and waters, create jobs and provide a path to align the management of America’s public lands and waters with the nation’s climate, conservation and clean energy goals. “We are concerned because we have this sudden goal with huge changes,” Chairman John Fahlgren said during the regular commission meeting May 1...

  • Get Off The Grass!

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|May 5, 2021

    A citizen committee is in the process of being formed to address complaints about youths on dirt bikes disturbing the tranquility of homeowners north of Glasgow. Dirt bikers are a common sight in the undeveloped area between Airport and Skylark roads, and have been for decades, residents say. Now, a large portion of the city owned parcel of land there has been closed to public use due to liability issues and allegedly poor behavior by some riders. That leaves only the 40-acre recreation area one mile north of the city, owned by the Bureau of...


    Ron Stoneberg, Valley County Conservation District|Mar 31, 2021

    The Valley County Conservation District has been trying to alert their constituents, and others, about how the federal government is succeeding in taking the vested water rights away from the Federal Grazing District allotment holders without any just compensation. The feds were aided by our Montana Water Court and the Montana Supreme Court which both ruled in favor of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the Beaver Creek (south Phillips and Valley counties) adjudication. These courts may... Full story

  • Valuing Public Land

    Sep 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, It's not about values. I believe Senator Daines when he says he joins the majority of Montanans who value public land, protecting it for this and future generations. There are few values as "Montana" as public lands and very few things that we all agree on more. In the latest (2020) Colorado College Poll of the West, 84 percent of Montanans agree that public lands are important when deciding whether to support an elected official. You can't get to 84 percent of anything without a...

  • Wildfire Burns Over 3,000 Acres West Of The Pines

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Aug 26, 2020

    Lightning set off a wildfire on Bureau of Land Management land west of the Pines Recreation area on Fort Peck Lake the night of Aug 20 or early morning on Aug. 21, according to Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Fire Manager Don Pyrah. Pyrah said the blaze was sparked during a lightning storm that rolled through the area last Thursday evening and early Friday morning and had grown throughout the day Friday. Glasgow's Long Run Fire Department and the Pines Fire Department...

  • Solving The Montana Stockwater Rights Problem

    Aug 12, 2020

    Dear Editor, The Water Use Act (Act), passed by the Montana Legislature in 1973, mainly dealt with free flowing streams, irrigation and ground water. It did not address livestock water use. So why is this an issue? Irrigation from free flowing streams requires a specific point of diversion and a specific place of use. Priority dates and the amount of water allocated to a user become important when drought conditions reduce the amount of water in the stream. Similarly, ground water can become an...

  • We Are Not Alone

    Jul 8, 2020

    Dear Editor, You may recall that I wrote an article a few weeks ago that exposed the attempt by the Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) to illegally give our ranchers' vested stockwater rights to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Well, we are not alone! I just read an article in the June 20, 2020, Tri-State Livestock News by the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF) that detailed what was happening with stockwater rights in Idaho. First, a bit of history. In 1987 the Idaho Water...

  • Keystone XL Progress In The Hands Of SCOTUS

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Jun 24, 2020

    As the Keystone XL Pipeline project continues to encounter legal battles and delays, the Trump administration has requested the U.S. Supreme Court to revive the permit program that would allow the pipeline and other new oil and gas pipelines to cross waterways with little review. The permit program, also known as Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12, allows pipelines to be built across streams and wetlands with minimal review if they meet certain criteria. The permit isn’t specific to the Keystone XL project as the permit is also utilized by other pipeli...

  • Sage Grouse Ruling Highlights Need To Improve Public Land Management

    Jun 17, 2020

    Dear Editor, In a recent U.S. District Court ruling by Judge Brian Morris, the American public heard loud and clear that the federal administration broke the law when it offered leases on public lands in critical sage grouse habitat. This court decision speaks volumes about how public lands should be managed, with certainty, and in a manner that considers true multiple use – including maintaining wildlife populations. The Department of Interior was found to have violated the law by issuing an i...

  • The Theft Of Our Vested Water Rights On BLM Administered Lands

    Jun 3, 2020

    Dear Editor, Water rights in Montana have been the topic of much discussion and rulings, both legislatively and judicially, over the past 40 plus years. To say this has resulted in a totally confused mess would be an understatement. When the dust finally settled it became apparent that vested water rights on allotments managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Montana were being taken away from the private citizens. How did this happen? After many hours of poring through historic and...

  • Fed. Judge Puts Parts of KXL On Hold-Again

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Apr 22, 2020

    Army veteran and Assiniboine-Sioux Tribe member Lance Fourstar's voice was being carried out over the prairie by a stiff westerly wind as he chanted a traditional Native American song accompanied by a drum and flute. The sounds traveled out overtop of the Keystone XL pipeline's border crossing from Canada as diesel engines revved and back up signals beeped in the distance on April 14. As Fourstar sang, an elder woman danced and played the flute, and a youth played the drums while the other...

  • Montana's Elk Hunting Traditions Worth Preserving

    Feb 19, 2020

    Dear Editor, For decades Montana has been the envy of hunters who pursue elk. Our state has healthy elk herds because of our incredible habitat on public and private lands. We enjoy the longest season in the West – with a six-week archery season and a five-week rifle season. No other state comes even close. With our strong elk herds comes challenges in their management. Landowners at times struggle with the damage that large groups of elk can cause to crops, haystacks and fences. Montana F...

  • Free Roaming Bison

    Feb 12, 2020

    Dear Editor, There has recently been a lot of press about bison being designated a free roaming animal in Montana. As a retired cattle rancher, I would like to raise a few thoughts that have not been brought out in various opinion pieces. The public needs to understand that the concept for re-wilding lands in Montana with indigenous bison is not limited to just Montana Fish, Wildlife and Park's (MTFWP) recently announced bison restoration planning. In fact, there are multiple interest groups...

  • Re-creation or Wreckreation?

    Feb 5, 2020

    Dear Editor, Many wilderness advocates, scientists, and public land managers have long recognized the threat that excessive recreational use poses for Wilderness. Howard Zahniser, the Wilderness Act's author, warned over 50 years ago that Wilderness can be threatened "from development for recreation." He emphasized the need for humility and restraint in our dealing with Wilderness. The 1978 edition of Wilderness Management, the definitive professional tome on Wilderness management, summed it...

  • Keystone XL Pipeline Construction to Begin

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|Jan 29, 2020

    TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) is putting the past year’s legal battles behind them and is moving ahead with plans to construct the Keystone XL pipeline. On Jan. 21, Terry Cunha, a spokesman for TC Energy, told the Williston Herald that the project reached several key milestones and filed a status report with the U.S. District Court of Montana the week before. The status report stated TC Energy will move heavy equipment to storage yards in Montana and South Dakota in February and would also transport and install worker camp modules in both s...

  • BLM Planning to Revamp Grazing Rules

    Gwendolyne Honrud, The Courier|Jan 29, 2020

    The Bureau of Land Management filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) on Jan. 21 to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) with the intent of overhauling grazing regulations on public lands. The NOI filed with the federal registry established the beginning of a scoping process intended to solicit public opinion and identify issues. Four public meetings have been planned for stakeholder comment on the proposed revisions, including one in Miles City, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6. BLM will host the input-gathering session from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m....

  • A Jubilant Convocation

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Jan 1, 2020

    A convocation (also called a jubilee or a tower) of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has settled in at Fort Peck Dam over the past few weeks. The birds, which number in the tens to hundreds, are likely migrating through for the winter or, possibly, wintering for the season near the perennially open waters below the powerhouses. According to Bureau of Land Management Biologist and Fort Peck native John Carlson, the birds tend to congregate near food sources for the winter and likely travele...

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