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Articles from the September 29, 2021 edition

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  • Remember When

    Gwen Cornwell, Special to the Courier|Sep 29, 2021

    I ran into a list of businesses located n Glasgow in 1941. I think of the businesses that were active during the days of the Glasgow Air Force Base, but Glasgow had a lot of local business facilities in the early 40’s also. Just to mention a few that might be remembered. There was the Orchid Beauty Shop which adjoined Allen’s Café & Blue Room. (Was the Blue Room a Lounge or bar?). Then there is mention of a Ben Franklin Store, the Hub Bar and Stan’s Bar. Remember the Rainbow Court Cabins, Westland Oil, Etchart-Markle flying service? There...

  • Technology Faux Pas

    Richard Noble, Special to the Courier|Sep 29, 2021

    We are without question living in the digital age. A whopping 85% of Americans now own smartphones, and 92% of households own a computer of some kind. That’s an amazingly broad scope for a plethora of creativity, information sharing, keeping in touch and cat videos. It also introduces an entirely new kettle of fish for digital missteps and ways to irk the people we spend time around. Most of the time, but not always, we don’t even realize we’re committing these faux pas. However, I’d bet we’re all guilty of at least one. By far and away the...

  • 'Where's the Beef' From?

    Chris McDaniel, The Courier|Sep 29, 2021

    Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is reviving efforts to force meat companies to place country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on cuts of beef sold at market. COOL was initially authorized in 2013, but was curtailed a few years later when the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service amended it to remove beef and pork meat, dairy products, cereals and grains and various nut species from labeling. Commodities still subject to the law and regulation include muscle cuts and ground portions of chicken, lamb and goat...

  • Wayback Wednesday

    Gwen Honrud, The Courier|Sep 29, 2021

    1 Years Ago Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2011 • The Glasgow Scottie Band showed off in the Homecoming Parade this year, boasting a completely new set of uniforms. Over decades of use, the band’s distinctive kilts had grown shabby and in short supply. • Dave Strohmaier and his family arrived in Glasgow on Amtrak last Thursday to make two points; to make sure passenger rail service remains strong in Montana and to “get Congress back on track.” • They didn’t post a perfect score, but the Glasgow girls’ cross country team did run its best meet of the sea...

  • Children's Museum Gets a Makeover

    Courier Staff|Sep 29, 2021

    Volunteers with the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints expended a bit of elbow grease recently at the Children's Museum of Northeast Montana in Glasgow, sprucing up the place for the enjoyment of area youngsters. The 14 volunteers also gave a deep clean to the Glasgow Senior Center. The volunteers are part of the Glendive Stake, which is similar to a diocese or district, which includes eleven congregations and covers eastern Montana from the Canadian border to the Wyoming border and...

  • Community Calendar for Sept. 29, 2021

    Sep 29, 2021

    EDITOR'S NOTE: 5 p.m. Friday before publication is the deadline for calendar additions, which must be emailed to [email protected] or submitted in person at The Courier office, 531 2nd Ave. S., in Glasgow. SEPTEMBER MONTHLONG: • YARD WARS, MASCOT EDITION - Valley County Community Pool Campaign fundraiser. For more info, visit TUESDAYS • 1 p.m. - Dime Bingo - Glasgow Senior Center (Recurring). THURSDAYS • 10 to 11 a.m. - VBooks & Babies/Story Time - Glasgow City-...

  • News Briefs for Sept. 29, 2021

    Courier Staff|Sep 29, 2021

    Cub Scout Popcorn Fundraiser Underway Cub Scouts Pack 898 is selling popcorn now through Oct. 17 both online and door-to-door. The scouts offer chocolate pretzels, caramel corn, white cheddar, sweet and salty kettle corn, salted caramel and microwaved popcorn. Due to COVID, the scouts also are offering sales via email or phone. This fundriaser is a crucial source of income for the Montana Council BSA. For more information, email [email protected] or call Mike at 406-654-4350 or Amy at...

  • Fort Peck Credit Union Awards $1,500 in Scholarships

    Bonnie Meyer, Special to The Courier|Sep 29, 2021

    Fort Peck Community Federal Credit Union has awarded two seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollar scholarships to credit union members. It is our pleasure to support these individuals in their continuing educational endeavors. The "returning student" scholarship was awarded to Trevor Toavs. Trevor's goals include studying to become a rural primary care physician and, after completing residency, returning to Northeast Montana and working to improve the health and quality of life of all people in our...

  • County Commissioners Vote to Ease Fire Restrictions

    Courier Staff|Sep 29, 2021

    During their regular meeting Wednesday morning, County Commissioners Mary Armstrong and Paul Tweten voted to ease fire restrictions. Chair John Fahlgren was away on county business. Valley County has been under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions due to the excessively dry conditions since July 1. A motion was made by Commissioner Armstrong and seconded by Commissioner Tweten to transition from Stage 1 Fire Restrictions to Fire Season effective at 12:01 am on Friday October 1, 2021. Co-Fire Wardens, Bob Hansen, and Robert Brunelle recommended the move...

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