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Articles written by virgil vaupel

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  • Nonproductive Land

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Oct 30, 2013

    Introducing the North American Serengeti. A proposed million acres or so of Montana land, public and private, which will turn productive land that would feed hundreds of thousands of people into a reserve that produces, actually, nothing. “We want to create a place where people from all over the world can come and see the American West as it was a thousand years ago.” Those were the words of the APR (American Prairie Reserve) Marketing and Content Director, Katie Teson when I asked if creating an “American Serengeti” from the holdings of the AP...

  • Lay Blame Where It Belongs For Debt

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Oct 16, 2013

    If your roof leaks, you blame the builder. If your car has a defect, you blame the manufacturer. If your horse bucks you, off you blame the saddle maker. If the dam develops a leak, you plug it. You don’t make the hole bigger. These thoughts and a lot more like them are running rampant through this 70-year-old brain. (Although I was told just this morning that I must have had my “wisdom” teeth pulled”). This government shutdown has me in a dither trying to figure what diabolical scheme the government has in mind to implement whilst our thinkin...

  • Wildfire Confuses Fusion, Makes It To Scobey Title Match

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Oct 9, 2013

    The Richey/Lambert Fusion came to town last Friday to duel with the Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire, putting their 3-1 conference record on the line. Hinsdale/Saco sports a perfect record of 4-0 in the fourth week into this young season. The Wildfire and the Fairview Warriors are both undefeated and share the No. 1 ranking in the District 1C poll. Nothing new to either team. The met last weekend in at the Scobey Invitational Tournament. More on that later. The Wildfire JV didn't fare too well, but not fo...

  • Plan For Tomorrow

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Oct 2, 2013

    Some insurance company back in the day used the “Plan for Tomorrow” slogan and it seems the United States government has done just that and nothing more. Plan for Tomorrow … not next week … not next month … not next decade or the next 50 years. Just ... tomorrow. The Japanese and Chinese are very good at planning for the next century. Most everything they do is predicated on the idea of what impact their action today will have on their country 50...100 years from now. As Americans, if we have money to pay rent or mortgage, buy groceries...

  • Wanted: Younger Farmers & Ranchers

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Sep 25, 2013

    The annual meeting of the Valley County Farm Bureau was held at the Cottonwood Inn last Tuesday with about 20 folks in attendance. After a nice buffet style meal, bureau president Scott Cassel called the meeting to order. The first speaker of the evening was Scott Kulbeck, Montana Farm Bureau Federation director of membership development. He stressed the bureau's desire of attracting more young farmers and ranchers to join and get involved. “The stock growers take care of livestock issues while the farm bureau concerns itself with the land usag...

  • How Safe Do You Really Feel?

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Sep 25, 2013

    How incredulous would you feel if I were to tell you that personnel in the Office of Odometer Fraud Investigation are allowed to carry firearms? Or that there are 36 federal officers carrying firearms for every 100,000 residents? (In Washington, D.C., the ratio is 1,662 per 100,000). The federal government has 105,000 full time personnel authorized to make arrests and carry firearms in 50 states and D.C.. Three of every four federal officers are attached to offices of Homeland Security, which included the Border Patrol and Immigration and Custo...

  • Wildfire Heads To Brockton Undefeated In Conference After Lustre Triangle

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Sep 25, 2013

    The Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire traveled to Lustre last Saturday for a triangle volleyball match, first against Lustre Christian and lastly against Culbertson. Wildfire head coach Kathy Siroky had her girls tuned up and in fine form this morning as they faced off against the Lustre Lady Lions in the Lustre gymnasium. The Wildfire stormed through the first game 25 to 7 with most of the starters playing the entire game. Libero Payton Anna Chopper came in to serve and handed the Lions a couple of aces in this first game as Lustre mostly went one and...

  • Shaking Virgil's Hand On Reader's Bucket List

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Sep 18, 2013

    Dear Editor: This is a short letter of thanks to Vigil Vaupel for the humorous way he looks at and writes about a few of today's redundancies. I've never had so much fun reading a newspaper column. I have some ties in Glasgow so maybe, on one of my trips there, I can meet the man and have the honor of shaking his hand. That's real high on my bucket list! Brian Peterson McGrath, Minn.... Full story

  • Kid Talk With An Old Geezer

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Sep 18, 2013

    We live in a world where we are constantly coming up with things that will afford more protection from everyday life for this nation's children. That said … My confusion heightens. Please stay tuned. Back in the day there were hundreds of young children dying from a mysterious cause. Someone with a lot more knowledge of chemistry and doctor stuff than I, discovered that lead, when infused into ones body isn't a very good thing. Especially for the young. And from whence came the lead? In the paint found on nearly every crib, bassinet and baby be...

  • Don't Even Think About Sending Troops To Syria

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Sep 11, 2013

    Seems maybe President Obama and others are under the mistaken impression that America has far more 18- to 24-year-olds than it needs. That age demographic seems to be the most popular for eliminating tens of thousands of America’s sons and daughters. Vietnam took the largest toll of 18-year-olds: more than 33,000. There was even one soldier killed who was just 15 in that war (or “era,” as those in government like to call it). Since the “turmoil” in Southeast Asia, the soldiers seem to have gotten older. The average age for the most killed du... Full story

  • Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire Collars Bulldogs

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Sep 11, 2013

    After having fought the last five miles or so of road destruction coming into Culbertson, the Hinsdale/Saco (H/S) contingent finally reached the home of the Bainville Bulldogs and got settled in for an afternoon/evening of very fine and entertaining volleyball. There were junior high, JV and varsity matches, so go grab a root beer from the fridge, turn up the volume and settle back to enjoy some v-ball. Watching the junior high girls, I was very pleased to see that the volleyball program will be solid for yet another six years or so. There is s...

  • Doesn't Make Much Sense To Me

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Sep 4, 2013

    I’m just sitting here thumbing through the Internet for things to write about with not much in mind. With this being a slow news week (except for Obama intending to get us into yet another foreign war and trying his very best to bankrupt the country) I decided to name off a few things that don’t make sense to me. • I noticed on my can of oven cleaner a red banner stating, “Safe for use on all self-cleaning ovens.” I’m thinking, If my oven is self-cleaning why did I buy this stuff? • I’ve heard it said that to make the “real money” one needs...

  • Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire Light It Up In Malta Invite

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Sep 4, 2013

    After a less than stellar performance in pool play, losing to Chinook in a close match and getting fully annihilated by Plentywood, the Wildfire went two and two and won a berth in bracket play at the Malta Invitational Volleyball Tourney last Saturday, August 30 in Malta. With every game, the ladies from Hinsdale/Saco (H/S) seemed to gather strength from each other and get stronger as the grueling day progressed. Remember friends, their first match was at 9 a.m. and the championship game wasn’t decided until about 7:30 that night. After knocki...

  • Gender Confused Restrooms

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Aug 21, 2013

    There’s some very alarming news coming out of the Socialist Republic of Confuseifornia these days … Well, I mean more confusing and alarming than usual. You more“riper”folks (like me) can remember Jerry Brown, governor of California from 1975-83, cavorting with Linda Ronstadt (who some might recall as a barefoot, folk song singing hippie) around the governor’s mansion, causing some concern amongst the more conservative of California citizenry. Seems this “disgraceful”conduct caused him to become the ex-governor of California at the next elec...

  • The New Name Is Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Aug 21, 2013

    Mostly the same faces but a new name and colors have been added to the list of teams for the upcoming District 1C volleyball season. The team formerly known as the Saco/Hinsdale Panthers has now become, by virtue of a team vote, the Hinsdale/Saco Wildfire. In this writer’s opinion, this is a good move for all concerned. Much like the MonDak Thunder: two towns merging to form one team as did Westby/Grenora. Others include Froid/Medicine Lake Red Hawks, Scobey/Opheim (stayed same as the Spartans) and Richey/Lambert Fusion. I fear that the next 5... Full story

  • Back To School Driving

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Aug 14, 2013

    With the new school year heading toward us like an out of control “One-stack Mack with a Window in the Back,” maybe it’s time to think about a few things involving highway and street safety. With the yellow busses, kids on bicycles, kids walking and 15-year-old drivers driving, safety should be on everyone’s mind. Sometimes parents put far too much responsibility on their kid’s shoulders when it comes to letting them drive. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. “But MY kid is a good driver.” Hey, I was a...

  • It's Your Choice

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Aug 7, 2013

    OK, which would you choose? Three highly skilled waiters capable of carrying nine plates of food in just two hands or one highly skilled industrial worker capable of manufacturing three hundred plastic trays for highly skilled waiters to carry? How about a dozen EPA workers highly skilled in regulating the regulations that make manufacturing costs virtually insurmountable for anyone trying to start a business or one highly skilled and motivated entrepreneur actually building a business that hires people and that exports goods to other... Full story

  • Immigration Or Infiltration?

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 17, 2013

    Just for grins and giggles I'd like you to try an experiment if you would. Be sure your homeowners insurance is up to date and you have an alternative place to hang your hat. Turn on the water in your upstairs bath tub and set it to a medium to fast drip, drip, drip. Then have your family pack their clothes and get ready to go to Wally World for two weeks of summer fun and excitement. While you are getting a second degree sunburn over 75% of your body, let me explain what's happening in your...

  • Don't Insult My Intelligence By Calling A Tax A Fee

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 10, 2013

    Someone once said, “It’s not the earning of the money that concerns me. It’s the number of people trying to take it away from me.” Maybe it was me who said it. At any rate, how true it is. Not counting your normal everyday expenditures for survival like food, clothing and housing, I have counted up at least 20 fees and taxes we pay. Oh, for sure, some are luxury fees and taxes for toys like boats, murdercycles, ATV’s, jet skis, RVs, airplanes and surfboards, and not everyone is subjected to payi...

  • All That Tech: We're Hooked

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 3, 2013

    A few months back you might remember a column written by yours truly about me forgetting my cell phone at home when I went to town. You might recall my expressed feelings of helplessness, angstness and discombobulationness fearing I might miss a call from someone … anyone. It didn't really matter that I wasn't expecting anyone to call in the first place. It was just “what if someone calls and I miss it”? The column was meant to be on the lighter side, humorous and maybe just a little thought-pro... Full story

  • Regulate The Regulators

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jun 12, 2013

    I surprised myself and did some actual sleuthing so I could appear smart and well informationed on the topic I’m about to expound upon. And, as you know, I have a penchant to cut out all the big words and put things in a conversational manner. It’s called causerie and the definition can be found in your friendly neighborhood Funk and Wagnalls. According to Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D. (RANGE Magazine, Summer2013) the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) stated that in 2011 it took “8.7 billio...

  • Cruisin' Around In My 1996 Ford Crown Victoria

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jun 5, 2013

    A few weeks past I caused an incident in town, which in turn caused much consternation, angst and some downright anger amongst some of the citizenry of our fair village. Please, allow me to explain my deplorable actions. I had just spent most of a wonderful morning and early afternoon at the doctor place getting poked, prodded and probed and I was in a tizzy. I thought it might be nice to treat myself after being mis-treated for the past few hours so I stopped by for a burger at one of our...

  • Who Are Essential Gov't Workers?

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|May 29, 2013

    A few years ago I was trucking my way around Washington, D.C. in a snowstorm of Biblical proportions. A voice came over my radio saying, “ All non-essential government employees need not report to work today due to the inclement weather conditions”. Are you like me, thinking, just who are these “non-essentials drawing a government paycheck every two weeks for doing, by government admission, essentially, nothing essential. I made a few phone calls and discovered, through a few honest offic... Full story

  • The Times Are Changing

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|May 22, 2013

    On May 15, 2013, the headline for a news release from the United States Census Bureau stated, “International Migration is Projected to Become the Primary Driver of U.S. Population Growth for First Time in Nearly Two Centuries.” To understand what that means in English, one must first determine how population growth is calculated by the calculators who calculate these things. It's very simple, really. They take the number of births against the number of deaths recorded yearly. They call that “nat...

  • Raider Tracksters Sail Into State

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|May 22, 2013

    After a slow start to the 2013 high-school track and field season due to inclement weather, things finally started heating up for the Hinsdale Raiders at the District 2C meet held in Glasgow on May 8. Dallas Capdeville won the pole vault and 100-meter hurdles. Brett Johnson won third in pole vault and Courtney Capdeville won third in 300 hurdles, second in high jump and second in pole vault. The ‘person of interest’ at the meet, however, was Hinsdale junior, Bethany Lacock. Earlier in the sea...

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