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Articles written by virgil vaupel

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  • Redistribute The Tax Dollars

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 30, 2014

    Hinsdale, like many other small villages and towns throughout Montana, is in a pickle. The infamous Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has warranted that the water being dumped into the Milk River from Hinsdale's sewage treatment facility is unfit to be dumped into the sanitary and sterile Milk River. The wastewater from sewage plants like Hinsdale's has been proven to be 10 times cleaner than the river it is being infused into. A person could drink the wastewater (if you didn't know from whence it came) without suffering any ill effects.... Full story

  • The 2029 Bison News

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 23, 2014

    On Aug. 10, 2029, a very large herd of free roaming bison invaded the small town of Jordan, causing considerable damage to property as well as sending three people to the emergency room with life threatening injuries when they tried to rope a buffalo grazing on their lawn. The escapees were in a confinement area south of the Missouri River, but with the drought factor in North Central Montana this year, natural forage is in short supply as is the water in some of the local reservoirs, and the herd went looking for food and water. This is part...

  • An All-Star Experience

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Jul 23, 2014

    Sixty-four teams from sixteen states participated in the 2014 Native American Basketball Invitational Tournament in Phoenix this year July 1 – 5. The Rockhawks, an Intertribal ladies team from the Fort Peck Reservation was coached by Barry Bighorn and Kelly Smith and went 7-0 for the tourney winning games by as much as 40 points and as little as 10. Selection of the team members is made by each tribe and players must show certification of blood content and have the tribal seal in order to be considered for this elite team. Hinsdale’s Whi...

  • MilK River Days In Hinsdale, USA

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 9, 2014

    I always look forward to the Fourth of July festivities in Hinsdale. It's a day that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. The parade is one of the better small town parades one can find anywhere, and it had more than 50 entries this year. It's sometime a little disappointing when there is a lack of horses in any Western parade, but Tom and Joy See always take care of that when they bring their team of Fjord horses and stylish carriage to town. The Hinsdale FFA won the grand prize for all... Full story

  • MRCA Rodeo Returns To Delight Hinsdale Fans

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Jul 9, 2014

    It was all thrills, spills and chills at the 35th annual Milk River Cowboys Association Rodeo held last Thursday in Hinsdale. It was also perfect weather with no threat of rain. We had a southwesterly breeze blowing which blew the bugs back to Saco where they belong but the announcers, Myron Malnaa and Chris Christensen along with timers Tanya Funk and Jan Marshal got a tad-bit choked-up by the dust created in the arena. There was a near record crowd in attendance but the competitors in a...

  • But It's Just A Few Billion Dollars

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jul 2, 2014

    Let's take a closer look at the federal budget and where your tax dollars end up. Please keep reading. It's important for you to know this stuff as it affects your very lives. Folks think that what happens in Washington, D.C. (District of Corruption) won't affect us here in Glasgow, Hinsdale, Valley County or the state of Montana. Buffalo Bagels to that! As Colonel Potter had a penchant for saying. Every tax dollar that leaves Valley County affects us in some way or other. How much of it comes back here? All or none? And if it all doesn't come... Full story

  • War Of Words: Only The Names Have Changed

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jun 25, 2014

    I recently received an email newsletter from U.S. Rep. Daines, who is doing his very best to “protect and defend” in Washington, D.C. The subject was “Only the Iraqis can secure their future.” The letter went on to say and I quote directly, “Dear friend, Last night I voted for an amendment to the Defense appropriations bill to prevent more American troops in Iraq. “I strongly oppose sending more American troops to Iraq and believe only Iraqis can secure their future. “Iraqi leadership must address the concerns of their citizens from all sect... Full story

  • It's Been A Pleasure, Glasgow

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jun 18, 2014

    That’s about it. Eight years and about 72,000 miles ago I asked Beth Henville, the then sports editor of the Glasgow Courier why the Hinsdale Raiders weren’t getting any “ink” and could I do something to change that situation. Beth told me to “write something up and we’ll see what happens” and as they say, “the rest is geography.” There were several or more years when I didn’t miss a volleyball match, a basketball game or a track meet. Usually I traveled solo so I could visit after the games or so I could “write” my story on the way home w...

  • Political Correctness Gone Too Far

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Jun 11, 2014

    Has political correctness (and our own Constitution) given in to the Muslim radicals who would rid America of our cherished Christian beliefs? By my unofficial count, those people have cost America thousands of lost lives, thousands of lost work days and at least two trillion, and counting, taxpayer dollars. And the loss of life and dollars keep accelerating as we speak. Have you been on an airplane recently and through the TSA searches? That program has cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and I don't think anyone in government can state, empha... Full story

  • Hinsdale's Lacock Wins Pole Vault Title

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Jun 4, 2014

    Hinsdale High School was home to an amazing athlete and academic scholar over the past twelve years. Few have equaled her prowess in athletics or her knowledge in the classroom. Bethany Lacock qualified for the State Track and Field Meet in seven events but had to choose five of the events in which she and her coach Gordon Hawks thought she would have the best opportunity to either win or place. Hinsdale's Collegiate All-American pole vaulter Kirk Capdeville helped Hawks coach Bethany in this...

  • Hinsdale Going To State

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|May 28, 2014

    Nine young guys and four young ladies are off to Great Falls this weekend to compete in the State Meet. It was a good year for the Raiders who started the season with 15 and gained two along the way who saw how much fun the others were having running, jumping and tossing things that they just couldn’t stay away. Bethany Lacock continued her athletic dominance as she qualified in a mind-boggling seven events and now has to decide which five she wants to enter. Bethany broke the divisional pole vault record with a vault of 9-07 just two inches s...

  • Who Is Right? Who Is Wrong?

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|May 21, 2014

    How much do we really know about Diren Dede, this young Turkish/German/Muslim exchange student whose life was tragically ended during what appeared to be a home invasion burglary attempt? Was he truly “that perfect friend to hang out with?” Was he also a “heartthrob with a contagious smile,” as Alice Miller of the Missoulian writes? “All the girls loved him” was another quote attributed to one of Dede's classmates at Missoula Big Sky High School, where Dede was enrolled as a junior. Diren Dede was “genuine, generous and a good friend”, seve... Full story

  • Cliven Bundy And The Great Montana Land Grab

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|May 7, 2014

    I just want to say a couple of things about this Cliven Bundy thing in Nevada and the land grab going on right here in our own backyard. Lots of folks are under the mistaken impression that Bundy refused to pay for his BLM lease. He simply refused to pay the feds. He first tried paying the state of Nevada, but they refused to take his payment. He then tried to pay the county, but they also refused. I also feel he was goaded into acting as he did when the BLM drastically cut back his allotment, so his cowies wouldn't harm the fragile and near-ex...

  • Hinsdale Track On a Roll

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|May 7, 2014

    It was a brisk day for a track meet last Saturday at Scottie Field made a tad bit worse with an 8 a.m. starting time and a light breeze from the north but the boys and girls from Hinsdale were on a mission. The weather was furthermost from their thoughts this day when Hinsdale honors the memory of Hinsdale’s number one sports fan with this memorial track and field meet. The boys put quite a few on the podium and with just one first place finish the Raiders took second place behind Fairview. Pablo Pascual’s 12.19 was good enough to take two poi...

  • Free Roam Or Stay Home

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Apr 30, 2014

    It was Matthew Brown of the Associated Press who wrote that the “tens of millions of bison” in the 19th century were wiped out by hunters. I say Poppycock. Now it's the NWF's (National Wildlife Federation) Steve Woodruff who is echoing almost those same words in an effort to raise public support and “'pull out all the stops' in an effort to FORCE” (his word, not mine) “establishment of a free-roaming bison herd in North Central Montana.” Woodruff also wrote that “ ranchers who see bison as a perceived, not real threat to and competitor fo... Full story

  • Hinsdale Track Keeps Trucking

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Apr 30, 2014

    The Nashua Invitational track and field meet was held last week in Wolf Point and the Hinsdale Raider girls did well taking home a fifth place finish. Leading the way for the ladies was Bethany Lacock winning the high jump (4-10); the 100-meter (13.3); 100-meter hurdles (17); the triple jump (32-9) and the long jump (14-3). Just another day at the races for this young lady. Delaney Beil won fourth in the 100 hurdles (19.4) Courtney Capdeville took a sixth place (22) in the same event. For the boys, speedster Pablo Pascual was under the weather... Full story

  • Hinsdale's Lacock, Pascal Owning The Track

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Apr 23, 2014

    Hinsdale’s Lacock and Pascual Still Going Strong Pablo Pascual of Hinsdale and Spain keeps pushing toward a slot at the state track and field meet which will be held in Great Falls May 30 and 31. That’s the closest state tournament or meet Hinsdale has had in at least 10 years. Only 250 miles so be there or be square. This meet was held in Glasgow last Monday. I thought the four day school week was supposed to take care of the weekday meets and games. But I guess because there was no school anyway there was no sense in giving the kids a day...

  • Bridge To Somewhere

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Apr 16, 2014

    The bridge spanning Beaver Creek on the Milk River Road west of Hinsdale was built in 1915 and has been re-planked a few times over the years, but not much else has been done to it in the past 99 years. Countless school bus trips have traversed this structure carrying hundreds of school children into Hinsdale. Ranchers and farmers have used this bridge to move some of their smaller farming equipment, and the occasional herd of cattle from one side of the creek to the other. The Hinsdale... Full story

  • Raiders Track And Field Finish Strong In Glasgow

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Apr 9, 2014

    It was a clear, nearly windless day for the opening meet of the 2014 track and field season for the Hinsdale Raiders. Something that was missed for the better part of last season. First up for the Hinsdale girls was Bethany Lacock with a near repeat performance from last year, winning the 100-meter, 100 hurdles, pole vault and the triple jump. She finished in third place in the high jump. Courtney Capdeville placed second behind Lacock in the pole vault adding points to the team total. For the...

  • Globalization Domination

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Mar 19, 2014

    It was back in the winter of 1953 or so when I caught my first glimpse of the upcoming event called globalization. It was back in the day when we had spent billions of U.S. dollars “rebuilding” Japan and Germany and were smack-dab in the middle of yet another war. This one with Korea supposedly (but actually with communist China). My first sighting of globalization was a Volkswagen Beetle upside down in a ditch on Highway 2 just south of Glacier Park in the winter of 1952 or so. Before that time, all I had seen were the autos from our own “Bi...

  • Hinsdale Gives All It Has

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Mar 19, 2014

    After sailing through their first contest with Winnett/Grass Range the Lady Raiders of Hinsdale (25-2) drew the Lady Rebels of Shields Valley (20-6) as their next opponent at state. The Rebels coming off a 61-56 win over Jordan in the opening round. Hinsdale arrived in the semi-finals by dint of their 54-41 victory over WGR on Thursday. Whitney Molina, Chadaya Christensen and Bethany Lacock, the Raider's three seniors scored all of Hinsdale's 19 first half points and had 11 of the Raider's 14... Full story

  • Congress: Prove You'll Use My Two Loaves Of Bread Wisely

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|Mar 12, 2014

    A while back our illustrious government suggested to American military and other government workers that they should give up 1% of their retirement checks so “We can balance the budget, pay off the national debt and save the nation.” I’m thinking, now where have I heard THAT before? Oh, yeah. I remember now … I’ve heard it before every national election since George Washington was selected to run the country. I’m sick to death of hearing the same rhetoric for the past 225 years and seeing absolutely nothing being done. I rely mostly on S...

  • Belly Bump Returns To Hinsdale

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Mar 12, 2014

    After lying dormant for 13 years, the Hinsdale Belly Bump tournament has been revived in Hinsdale. Levi Capdeville and Nate Remmick decided this was too good of a tournament to lie buried in the archives so they got together and set it up for last Friday and Saturday at the Hinsdale High School gym to the delight of a couple hundred fans. The teams consist of say, some 2000-03 players, or some 1993-96 players and before. Well, you get the picture. Current high school players are not eligible. Lloyd Jones, Kurt Rosendahl, Art Arnold, Johnny...

  • Hinsdale Girls Win 3C Divisional Title

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Mar 5, 2014

    After a stunning victory at districts the Hinsdale Lady Raiders continued their winning ways at divisionals with wins over Culbertson (33-31 whew!!), Fairview (45-30) and over Saco/Whitewater. More on these games after these words from Grannie Grumpy's Grits and Gravy House located at fourth and main in beautiful downtown Toenny. Welcome back sports fans. In Hinsdale's first game the Lady Raiders faced the Lady Cowgirls of Culbertson and with a half time lead 22-8 the Hinsdale fans and faithful... Full story

  • Raider Boys Knocked Out

    Virgil Vaupel, Courier Correspondent|Mar 5, 2014

    The Raiders of Hinsdale started off the 2014 divisional tournament against the Fairview Warriors and through the first quarter it was a tie ball game with Lukas Johnson getting a nice block in the first couple minutes of play. The block sent a message to the Warriors that Luke was not to be trifled with. Hinsdale put a 10-0 run on the Warriors behind a three from Dallas Capdeville to start the second stanza and a three from Kyle Albus at the buzzer to end the half, Hinsdale up 21-15. Fairview caught up a tad bit in the third, out scoring the...

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