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Articles written by Pastor John Vallie

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 6 of 6

  • Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God

    Pastor John Vallie, Faith Lutheran Church|Nov 3, 2021

    "Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as he walked, [John] said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." John 1:35-36 Have you noticed how often we come across sheep and shepherds in the Bible? It is very often. Shepherding sheep must have been a common vocation and something people related to in their lives back then. Shepherds are in the Christmas narrative in Luke Two as they first hear the Gospel message from the angels of Christ's birth. Plus, they are the... Full story

  • What Shall We do to Inherit Eternal Life?

    Pastor John Vallie, Special to the Courier|Sep 15, 2021

    "So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among thieves?" Luke 10:36 Who is our neighbor? Is this a question we ever ask ourselves? There are many responses. Our neighbor works with us at work. Our neighbor lives next door to us, or across the street or down the road. We stand next to our neighbor on an elevator. These answers are all correct. But in our text today, Jesus takes the emphasis off the location of a neighbor. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, there is... Full story

  • 'You Are the Light of the World'

    Pastor John Vallie, Faith Lutheran Church|Aug 11, 2021

    "Now, there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit." 1 Corinthians 12:4 A gift is something given willingly to someone without payment. A Birthday gift, for example. We don't earn birthday gifts, do we? Our birth is out of our control. We just happen to be born on that particular day. Our text says there are spiritual gifts, too. These gift are freely given by God. We don't earn or merit them. Of course, the best gift God gives us is His Son, Jesus Christ, as our substitute on the cross f... Full story

  • Repentance Necessary to Escape God's Wrath

    Pastor John Vallie, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod|Jul 14, 2021

    "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' [worthless] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." Matthew 5:22 The setting of out text is the Sermon on the Mount, the greatest sermon ever preached. And, Jesus here starts with the Fifth Commandment, "You shall not murder." The Fifth Commandment is the commandment that you would think...

  • Among Despair, Hope Through Christ

    Pastor John Vallie, LCMS|Jun 30, 2021

    "For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope." Romans 8:20 If my understanding is correct, we seed winter wheat in the fall. The seed then sits in the ground during winter. When everything is all wintry and snowy, plant life is hard to imagine. But, come spring, the winter wheat grows. Even though surrounded by the cold and gray of a Montana winter, that little seed in the ground is very alive. Winter wheat reminds us, even though the... Full story

  • Preacher's Desk

    Pastor John Vallie, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod|Jun 16, 2021

    "Most Assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness." John 3:11 The only true God is the triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three distinct persons in One divine being. Jesus says, "We speak what We know and testify what We have seen." Note the pronouns in our text. These pronouns are plural. Yet, they refer to God. But there are not many gods. There is only One. We are not polytheists. We don't teach many gods. We teach mo... Full story