Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Articles written by gwen cornwell

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  • Gathering for the News

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 17, 2021

    Do you remember when we didn't have 24 hour access to the news? Maybe the news was accessible many hours of the day, but most families gathered around the radio in the evenings. Some of you may remember the radios of early days, probably before electricity. A couple memories shared were radios using car batteries (makes me wonder just what size a vehicle battery was back then) or maybe a dry cell battery was used. Maybe that is what we need today, it might be less depressing to only have once a...

  • Remembering Strong Women

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 17, 2021

    I am thinking of "Strong Women" today. Over the years we have heard a lot about Women's Rights, strong women, etc. I found an old, old photo of a township plat showing all sections of land with the name of the person that had filed. Some of these filings were listed as 1903. This of course was a Township and Range where my family currently has property. Most names were unknown to either my husband or me, but what did catch my attention was the number of women that filed for homestead filing....

  • Remembering Unusual Winters

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Jan 27, 2021

    This has been an unusual winter as we have had very little adverse weather other than high winds. We can count our blessings that we have not had lots of snow on the ground. If you did not grow up living in town, you may remember traveling the road to town when the snow banks along the plowed road were higher than your vehicle? I grew up always having extra mittens, scarves, etc packed in the vehicle in the event you got stranded. Can you even imagine what it must have been like when you where...

  • Election Days at Tampico Hall

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Jan 13, 2021

    I had occasion the other day to make a visit to the Tampico Hall. I was surprised at how nostalgic the visit made me. Opening the door to the building and seeing the wooden benches and tables brought back many memories of community card parties, dances, school Christmas plays, and election days. Election days as I remember were always good, as there was pie and coffee offered also. So many social events such as birthday and anniversary parties, reunions and of course 4-H meetings and events. Tampico Hall, one of my good memories, but I did...

  • When Shoes Lasted Forever

    Gwen Cornwell|Jan 6, 2021

    Thank you to my friend for seeing that I had an article for this issue of the Courier. Do you remember back in the day when a pair of shoes lasted forever. Shoes were passed down from one kid to the next youngster. If you happened to be the eldest child you were the lucky one as you received more new items than your siblings. Of course shoes did often show signs of wear and that is when the local shoe cobbler came in. A few of this handy shoe repair man serving the Glasgow area come to mind. I...

  • Cooking And Making Memories

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 2, 2020

    Garden produce has been harvested and the holidays are fast approaching, bringing a lot of baking to mind. I am a happy owner of the Pioneer Museum Cookbook, “Our Pioneer Heritage.” I really enjoy just flipping through the pages. If you are looking for something special, you will probably find it, or if just browsing, I am sure you will find something you want to try. This is especially true if you were born or raised in this area. What fun to run into a recipe of a friend or neighbor of your Mother’s or Grandma’s. You may remember enjoyin...

  • The Evolution Of Businesses

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 25, 2020

    Driving in the business section in our town of Glasgow, I find it sad to see all of the businesses that have closed over the years, and it made me think of all of the businesses Glasgow used to have in days gone by. Of course, during the days of the Glasgow Air Force, there were many businesses that have discontinued, but I am also remembering earlier days. Do you remember: Valley Implement Co., Hi-Line Implement and Motor, Snyders Agency, Farmers & Stockmens Lumber Co., Royal Motors and Studebaker cars, Vegge Motors, and for the women, what...

  • Sugar Beets

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Oct 21, 2020

    I am sure not many grow sugar beets in this area anymore. However, “back in the day,” there used to be sugar beet dumps at many of the rail depots, as well as dumps at most every side stop, all along the Milk River Valley. I think that growing sugar beets may have been very labor intensive. I do know that Mexican labor was utilized for thinning and topping beets, but must admit that I cannot visualize that at all. I also think that the Prisoners of War that were housed in facilities at the old Glasgow Airport were used for Ag labor. Where was...

  • Butchering And Processing

    Gwen Cornwell|Oct 14, 2020

    No, I did not retire completely—just semi. Actually I was not aware of a change to the Courier e-mail. When my items did not get published I just assumed they had enough news with the Covid, politics, sports, etc. that they did not need any fillers. Reading about Brian Austin’s new business venture has brought back memories of Brian’s heritage. Do you remember the old Austin Packing Plant located on the Tampico Highway close to the Milk River Bridge? I would guess that the majority of butchering and preparing for the freezer was done at this...

  • Making Toast

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jun 3, 2020

    Deciding to have toast with our coffee the other morning, we put the bread in, pushed down the lever and went to the coffee pot. In a very short time we heard and saw SPARKS flying from the toaster. A trip to town or a visit to Amazon was in order. Not having the incentive to do either at the moment, I put the toaster out of my mind. Several days later I was feeling hungry for breakfast toast. Oh, no toaster! It was then that I was reminded that I did have a toaster buried somewhere in my treasures. I do remember the toaster sitting on the...

  • Reflecting On Prom

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|May 20, 2020

    Do you remember the days when parents were allowed to attend the Jr./Sr. Proms? Maybe this was only at small schools, however, I remember when some parents actually came and took part in prom. Times changed and parents were allowed a seating section to sit and observe the prom and attendees. I would be happy to be corrected, but I am thinking that the only involvement parents and friends now have is getting to watch the “Grand March.” This was most often well attended as all family and friends enjoy seeing the lovely attire and share the pri...

  • The Art Of Ironing

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Apr 29, 2020

    When I DO get an article to the Courier it is written on a Monday. Being a senior citizen, and set in my ways, this is also my laundry day. Tuesdays are not necessarily my day for ironing, however I do still think that I need to iron my pillowcases and dish towels. Yes, many of my friends and family think that I am sick, but my roots make me do it! It seems that was one of the signs women used to look for to tell if their neighbor was a good housewife. Oh, and there was a knack to hanging your clothes on the clothesline also. Back to...

  • Epidemics Of The Past

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Apr 15, 2020

    I have been thinking of epidemics of the past. Many I do not remember, but being from a family that saved many things, I do have letters written by family members of the past that refer to some of those times. Of course, this was mostly in letter form. It just crossed my mind that many young children of today are not going to have any record of these times, as most all of our communication is via the Internet or maybe phone. Some of the correspondence from my family refers to the diphtheria outbreak and the people that died, leaving young child...

  • Stocking Up On Paper Goods

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Mar 18, 2020

    I was visiting with an out-of-state friend the other day and was told that Costco was limiting the amount of toilet tissue and water that an individual could purchase. Living in the “Middle of Nowhere,” it did take me awhile to connect it with the Coronavirus. My mind then went to the “Good ole days” when you used pages from catalogs and saved peach papers instead of purchasing toilet tissue. Then reality hit me—who has catalogs anymore? Do peaches purchased for canning even come individually wrapped anymore? For those of us that do remember,...

  • Starting The Month Of March

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Mar 4, 2020

    Do we even talk about March coming in like a Lion or Lamb anymore? Looking at our weather Monday morning I was trying to decide just how we would define “Lion or Lamb.” The temperatures are certainly not frigid, however I see snow and wind from my window. And we have local flood watches. It is a challenge to keep up with all the new stuff, but just wondered how the Farmer’s Almanac would classify our month of March. I am sure that we can all recall the weather from the months of March in the past, and time goes so fast we will soon know just...

  • Ice Skating Of The Past

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Feb 26, 2020

    I am sure that I have remembered ice skating of the past before but---as many of you know several creeks in our area have run big, resulting in some massive skating ponds. I will admit that skating on these outdoor “rinks” does present challenges. I remember the days of taking the grain shovel with you when you desired to do a little skating as the ice needed to be cleared first, but you could skate while making a path with the shovel. If you were lucky and the wind had already removed the snow you might be able to skate a good mile before tur...

  • Door-To-Door Sales

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Feb 12, 2020

    Just remembering employment opportunities of the past. Do you remember having a sales person representing Watkins or Stanley products coming to your door? Apparently they sold well-liked products as many of those products can still be found in homes. Yes, I have found that I can order many of those products online today, but just maybe, for some homemakers of yesterday, these “door to door” sales persons gave them a little bit of added social contact. Encyclopedia sales persons are definitely a thing of the past. Who needs a set of those won...

  • Service Stations Of The Past

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Feb 5, 2020

    Can you name, or even remember, all of the service (gas) stations that existed just on 1st and 2nd Ave. So., in Glasgow? It takes very little effort for me to name, or at least remember locations of these stations. I am thinking of the stations just on Front and Main Street, but there were also many located on Highway 2 within the city limits. Aw, yes, service stations of the past. I would be happy to list those that come to mind, but I do know that I would miss several, so I will leave that to you. You were able to pull into your favorite...

  • Taking In A Show

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jan 22, 2020

    Do you remember the days when there were ushers at the Survant Theater? This was a position that deserved uniforms. Please feel free to correct me, but I vaguely remember the color of these uniforms as gold and burgundy. Did the Roxy and Orpheum Theaters have ushers also? The ushers not only took you to a seat of your preference, but monitored customers during the show. It was common to have the usher or ushers walk the aisle with a flashlight to make sure none of us had our feet on the seats or were annoying the patrons seated in front of us....

  • Butchers and Meat Cutters Of The Past

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jan 15, 2020

    I was flipping through a three-ring binder filled with newspaper clippings from the past, when the title of one of the clippings caught my eye, “Remember when???.” This was a clipping taken from the Glasgow Courier and covered memories of some of the local butchers and meat cutters of past years. How many of us remember days of head cheese, blood gravy, pickled pigs feet and hams and bacon actually smoked in a smoke house? Oh, remember when bacon was purchased with the rind? Maybe you remember the days before refrigeration and the use of ice...

  • Winter Transportation

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jan 8, 2020

    Driving to town Sunday morning on our ice glazed roads made me think of days before four-wheel drive, front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles, like the days of using horses and the methods used for that type of transportation. My mind went to my early days and the things I can vaguely remember. That thought was immediately followed by thinking of all of those acquaintances around me that do remember those “winterizing” preparations that were carried out if you used horses or mules as teams for driving or as personal conveyance. Tod...

  • Remember When It Was Important

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 11, 2019

    Remember those wonderful days when answering the telephone was important? You could almost count on it being family, friend, acquaintance or a bona fide business call. I am sure that I will not be the only Senior Citizen that looks forward to mid-December when that deadline date arrives to sign up or change carriers for your new Medicare, Medigap or drug plan. And don’t be foolish enough to think you will use the computer to compare or choose a plan, as this just generates more phone calls and e-mail. I guess the upside is having caller I.D. w...

  • Expressing and Giving Thanks

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 27, 2019

    As I grow older and “Remember” things of the past, I have thought a lot about neighbors and friends of the past. People that have left me with fond memories. I am sure that I may have expressed a THANKS to those special people of my past, but their friendship, helpfulness, and advice come to the forefront of my thoughts many times. This is THANKSGIVING, so it might be a good time for us all to remember, and be thankful for those special acquaintances that left a footprint in our lives. As we enjoy our day of Thanksgiving, let’s be thank...

  • Sugar Beets and Beet Dump

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 20, 2019

    My mind was wandering to past years. You can’t be involved in agriculture without remembering the past and having faith in the future. Thinking of this year’s harvest issues brought to mind all of the sugar beets that used to be planted up and down the Milk River Valley. There may still be a few around that can remember that almost every railroad siding along the valley had a “beet dump.” I doubt that there was a beet dump along the railroad in Opheim where I spent my early year, and the only one that I have any firsthand knowledge of is the...

  • Coffee Conveniences

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 13, 2019

    As I enjoy my morning coffee I remember days before any of our new automatic coffee conveniences. Do you remember when you made your coffee using the stove? Okay, I am remembering filling the old enamel coffee pot with water and adding the coffee grounds. I have to admit I am not remembering just how we did it. Were the coffee grounds added and then brought to a boil, or did we add grounds after the water boiled? I am thinking the former, however, I do not remember that the finished product tasted better or worse than that made using any of the...

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