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Articles written by gwen cornwell

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  • Easter Bonnets

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Apr 12, 2023

    Remembering the song, “In your Easter bonnet With all the frills upon it, you will be the grandest lady in the Easter parade.” I don’t remember our area ever having an Easter Parade, but I do remember the Easter Bonnets or Hats. I did not see any in the Church I attend and of course I did not wear one either. I do probably have a closet shelf-full of hats from by- gone days, but think back to your childhood and how many young girls were attired in new Easter clothing as well as a little bonnet. Maybe an Easter bonnet for girls just went with...

  • Sugar Beets

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 22, 2023

    With the closing of the Sugar Beet facility in Sidney brings to mind all of the sugar beet dumps located along the Hi-Line area. How many remember local train depots that had facilities for dumping beets for shipment, or the prisoners of war that were housed at the old airport facility. I understand that these “prisoners” were marched to our downtown area to be taken to the sugar beet fields to provide labor. If you remember sugar beets, you may remember one of the tools used in harvesting these beets, these sugar beet knife...

  • March Winter Storms

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 15, 2023

    March has brought us winter storms like we haven’t seen in a few years. I am sure there are residents of the Opheim area that will remember winters of snow banks higher than your car along the side of the road. These were quite fascinating to a young kid, but not so much in my senior years. I am sure it was not just the North Country that experienced those snow piles along the roads and equally sure that none of us have any desire to see banks quite that high as we drive to our destinations. I am quite thankful for the snow removal equipment a...

  • Term Papers

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 8, 2023

    Do any of you remember doing term papers in your high school days? I just found one that I had written all of those years ago. Even had a good grade on it! As I read through it I couldn’t help but think how much time it must have taken us to do those papers. Our small town had a school library but that was it. Some of us were fortunate enough to have parents that were able to afford a set of encyclopedias which were a great help but think how easy it would have been to do all that research today on our computers! I would hate to be a teacher t...

  • Nickel Candy Bar

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 1, 2023

    How about the nickel candy bar? It is hard for me to believe what they do cost today. I am sure there are still a few of us around that remember going to the grocery store or maybe stopping at the local drug store for a treat for yourself. I remember my high school days when we would stop at the drug store after school for a bottle of Coke or Pepsi and a bag of salted peanuts. I do not remember for sure the cost, but I do remember asking my Dad for a quarter one day so that I could make the stop and I was told that he was sure there were some...

  • Wild Horses

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 22, 2023

    Does anyone remember the herd of wild horses that used to run the prairies around the present day location of St. Marie? At least that was the perception of a few of the young persons that got to make the Opheim-Glasgow trip with their parents back in the day. It was some years before I was able to put 2 and 2 together. I am sure that these horses probably belonged to the Etchart Ranch or maybe several of the area ranchers, but it was a good fantasy for a youngster that was into western movies....

  • Case Dealership

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 15, 2023

    Do you remember when the Case dealership in Glasgow was on Hwy 2? As I remember, the building was about in line with the stop light where turning to cross the railroad tracks. This facility was marked by two large eagles outside the building. These were not flying eagles, rather two standing eagles. This was rather a fascinating draw in my childhood days. It might have been so as my Dad worked there at one time but I doubt it. Those eagles marked that site for many years and I have often wondered what happened to them. Might they still be in...

  • More Shipping Memories

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 8, 2023

    A continuation of the shipping memories. I would like to visit with one of those cattle producers of the past. To my knowledge the livestock owners got to accompany their product to market by riding in the caboose of that train. I do remember that many folks made purchases of furniture, groceries, and other supplies to be brought back home. My question, were they furnished an empty car, courtesy of the railroad, or did they have to “rent” a car for the trip home? I bet that they carried a bedroll for the trip coming and going. Maybe it was the...

  • Glasgow Livestock Sales

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 1, 2023

    Memories for you cattle and maybe pork producers that market at Glasgow Livestock Sales. Do you as producers, or more likely the outside staff of workers at the sales yard, remember when cattle were loaded directly into railroad stock cars for shipment? This may have been a year-round procedure but was definitely used in the fall of the year. I do not remember, nor was I ever involved in that process, but did cattle spend the night on board before departure time? Yes, I do remember the placing of hay bales in the cars, so I am sure they...

  • Rendering Plant

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Jan 25, 2023

    I listened to Brian Austin on “Under the Big Sky” and noted that he did forget to mention the rendering plant at the old Milk River Bridge site. This was in operation during the early days of my marriage. This building was used to render the lard from the fat from processed pork. These renderings were used for pet food as well as human consumption. We often purchased some renderings for dog food and stored them in our basement way. One evening while we were playing cards with relatives, my girls and their cousins entertained themselves by thr...

  • Does Anyone Remember This?

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Jan 4, 2023

    Do you remember when Monday was wash day and Tuesdays were for ironing? Before ironing you needed to sprinkle the clothing. Does anyone remember this handy sprinkling device and are they available anymore?...

  • Christmas Gift Giving

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Dec 28, 2022

    How many of you mothers received a bottle of Evening in Paris Cologne, in that lovely blue bottle, for a Christmas gift or a fancy lace handkerchief for Christmas? Many men receive hankies for gifts also. If hubby or Daddy was an outside person his hankie was usually blue or red but if you were an inside professional, the choice would have been a white hankie. I have seen the colored men’s hankies in stores today, but I don’t see the fancy boxed hankies. These must all be a thing of the past. I am sure that there is a list of present-day fav...

  • Rail Service

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Dec 7, 2022

    Remembering rail services from the past. Remember some of the elementary classes in the Glasgow school used to get to take a train trip to Malta, which for many students would be their first train trip in their lives. I do not remember how they returned home, just maybe there was a passenger train that headed to Glasgow a little later in the day. Or how about those of you that got to make trips to Great Falls by train. My mom and sisters traveled the train to Kansas City several times so I do have many memories of dining cars, Conductors, and...

  • Holiday Cooking

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Nov 30, 2022

    Sweet potatoes have always been on the menu for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and what a shock to look for canned Sweet Potatoes, find a can on the shelf, only to find a can of CUT YAMS, read the ingredients, which are listed as SWEET POTATOES in light syrup. Is this false information or what? Technically they are not the same. Not really an issue as they are so similar, but I do find it interesting as to how things change over the years. I might mention if you might think you will buy a box of lemon pudding mix for your lemon pie check the...

  • Dress Codes

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Nov 23, 2022

    Remembering dress codes of the past. Remember when you as a female, could not wear pants to school. You may remember the indignity of having to wear long pants under your dress as you walked to school on days like some of our recent ones. And you never wore pants to church, weddings, funerals, or other social things. Many outings required hats and dress gloves. It has been easy for me to forget the head coverings and gloves, but somewhere along the line I must have been chastised many times about “proper attire” as I still have dif...

  • Toy Caps

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Nov 16, 2022

    I saw in item on Facebook the other day that featured a roll of “caps,” wondering if anyone remembered what they were. Of course, most of us would remember, as most of my generation had a cap gun at one time or another. Now to get a little personal, we have one today. It is a small little pistol looking gun. Of course, I had to order ammo for it. The rolls of caps are not what they use to be! The roll is a little narrower, and the percussion dots much closer together. This tells me that I may still be able to purchase these fun toys if I wer...

  • Traveling

    Gwen Cornwell|Nov 9, 2022

    When you are traveling some of our highways like from Glasgow to Opheim, Nashua, or Malta, do you ever think of the old road that took you to those places? If you are observant you can often distinguish the old road bed. You can still travel a good part of the old highway between Malta and Glasgow, but I am pretty sure that the old roads going to Glasgow from Nashua and Opheim are pretty much gone. I know I have mentioned it before, but you used to even get to stop for an occasional train crossing the track on the Opheim highway. Of course...

  • Rules

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Nov 2, 2022

    Do you remember when you took a bath once a week, and maybe in a tin wash tub? What about how often did you wash your hair? Or do you remember wearing curlers or pin curls to school? I must admit that I do not remember ever going to school with curlers or bobby pins in my hair, but I do remember starting eighth grade and having a new teacher that laid out her rules to us on the first day. One was NO curlers or pin curls worn to school! There were several rules we thought were tough, so you can imagine our surprise when we got to listen to the...

  • Packing Coffee

    Gwen Cornwell|Oct 26, 2022

    If you or your family has had the opportunity to pack a meal for a branding crew or other livestock gatherings, you may remember the days that coffee was not made and packed to the site in thermos bottles, rather the coffee was most often made over the branding fire or such. I remember my first exposure to made on site coffee when branding. I must admit it was rather strong but then that may have been the way that the crew at the time really liked it. One thing I will admit—it was fresh coffee....

  • School Houses

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Oct 19, 2022

    Do you remember the days of one, or maybe two room school houses? My memories are of the Tampico School, which began with no running water nor indoor plumbing. Of course, our rural area can bring to mind many one or maybe two room schools. Since my husband and many of his family, as well as our two daughters, had the honor of calling themselves students of Tampico or Tampico Tech as some like to call it. I am certainly not an authority on any of these schools, but I understand the Tampico school house was at one time located in the Billingsley...

  • Seeing Bales

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Oct 12, 2022

    This is not a remember, rather a shout out to my friends and neighbors. It is so heart warming for me to drive down some of our rural roads, or west on Highway #2 and see fields of round bales wrapped with Flag design net wrap. If you have not been fortunate enough to see any, you might want to take an evening drive before these bales are all picked up and moved. Thank you to my Rancher friends....

  • Fair Fireworks

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Aug 31, 2022

    I am sorry readers, but I do have a couple more memories that sit in my brain. Did there use to be firework displays for evening entertainment one night of the Fair? Maybe I am just remembering fire works held at the Fair Grounds for the 4th of July. I can remember some fantastic fireworks from those days. By the way, how many remember when the location of the Fair Grounds was not in its present location, or maybe remember when they had a “Farmers Day” at the Fair and raffled off a Dairy Heifer? I am sure there was a lot more interest in a dai...

  • Showing At The Fair

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Aug 24, 2022

    As promised, more Fair memories. It was heart breaking to see the lack of exhibits this year. When Homemaker Clubs were active in this area there were a lot of baking, canning, sewing, etc. exhibits. I do remember, back in the day, that many times exhibits were gathered at residences or businesses and members of clubs or businesses volunteered to take them to Glasgow. Then we had the livestock exhibitors that exhibited dairy cattle, bulls, probably heifers, and no doubt many open class exhibits of hogs and sheep. The Farmer was not left out...

  • Fair Memories

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Aug 17, 2022

    Remember the days when you went to the night show at the NE MT Fair with a jacket and maybe a blanket. That definitely was not the case this year. Maybe you remember when they held the Fair in Sept. I think about 4-H and FFA exhibitors and wondered how they handled their livestock projects when school was in session. The Fair must have been a very well supported by the community. Remember the Open Class livestock exhibits. I was told that one year there was a raffle held on a Tennessee Walker horse. The best part is that it apparently was won...

  • NE MT Fair

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Aug 3, 2022

    Another year for the NE MT Fair. There are so many things involved in this annual event. Those that are involved in 4-H, FFA, and maybe Open Class have been busy for a long time preparing for the week of the fair. We immediately think of the feeding and grooming required for our Livestock Exhibitors, but there are so many things that go on behind the scenes that we, the general public, are not aware of unless we were required to be involved in these events also. Of course, there are many projects other than livestock. Maybe your child or even...

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