Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Sorted by date Results 65 - 89 of 387
A suspicious vehicle call turned a little more serious as deputies responded on Wednesday, Feb. 18. Dispatch received a call close to 8 p.m. about a suspicious vehicle hanging out around Agland Co-Op in Nashua. The caller stated that there were two men, but one was in the bar not drinking, playing the machines, while the other was sitting in the vehicle. Deputies took the male in the vehicle into custody and after taking him to the Valley County Detention Center they found meth in his possession. They decided to obtain a search warrant for the...
True to his word, President Barack Obama vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline bill that passed both the House and the Senate in the last month. Those votes were not enough to overcome a veto. He released a veto message to Americans. “The presidential power to veto legislation is one I take seriously,” he said. “But I also take seriously my responsibility to the American people. And because this act of Congress conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short through consideration of issues that could bear on our national inter...
A Nashua man went to his first arraignment on Tuesday, Feb. 10, and stood before U.S. Magistrate Judge Johnston in Great Falls. He entered a plea of not guilty. According to an information release from the Great Falls federal courts, Jeffery Helm, 60, is charged with two counts of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute oxycodone and morphine, and distribution of oxycodone and morphine. The release said that if he was convicted, Helm would face up to 20 years in prison, $1 million in fines and three years of supervised release. The...
Several head nods and greetings could be seen at the Glasgow Stockyards on Thursday as the first bull sale of the season took place. It was packed enough to leave interested parties standing wherever they could fit. It seems that the interest in what bulls might go for may have brought several spectators to the Wittkopp Angus bull sale. Reports coming in from analysts say this would be the year for the bull. The cow industry will see another year of high numbers with the worldwide herd down and...
It's a tradition that isn't gone yet. For generations, students have been hand crafting boxes and envelopes for Valentine's Day cards to find a home. Often those Valentines include candy. Memories of construction paper, doilies, scissors and glue will forever remain. But this year in Glasgow takes that idea up a few notches. Rather than hearts and shoeboxes, you could find dragons, Spongebob Squarepants and a bucking bull, that actually moved every time a card was placed in it. Fifth graders at...
Last week Speaker of the House Austin Knudsen presented House Bill 402 to the House Appropriations Committee. Knudsen is proposing a bill that would give a little more back to the eastern Montana areas directly impacted by the gas and oil industry. Gov. Steve Bullock proposed his own infrastructure bill this session that would use $45 million from bond sales to help our side of the state with water and sewer systems, and roads and bridges that are in need of repairs or upgrades. House Bill 5 proposes $391 million in cash and bonds to help...
With a public hearing coming up for man camps in the county, the Keystone Pipeline project is still in the shadow of a presidential veto. The House passed the bill after approval in the Senate last week on Wednesday. The votes, 270-152, were still not quite enough to overcome a veto. A total of 281 votes would have been enough to overcome the threatened veto. With the Obama administration fairly vocal about a veto, lawmakers decided to wait after a short recess before placing the bill on Obama’s desk. President Obama has stated that the S...
There's a few days to wait for the anticipated opening of Sean Heavey's photo gallery in downtown Glasgow. The opening has been months, one could even say years in the making. Heavey, a local photographer celebrity most known for the "Mothership," has kind of been working toward this in a quiet way. The grand opening event will take place on Friday, Feb. 13. Local Outdoor Life Editor Andrew McKean will be there for a book signing, and the Wheatgrass Arts & Gallery will also be showcasing their a...
It was actually a big year as the Glasgow Kiwanis Club marked their 20th year hosting their annual science fair. It was also the first year that the science fair was in the brand new media room for their displays. The science fair was held over the weekend where three teams of four judges looked at the displays to see if the projects demonstrated the scientific method by comparing things in and experiment. This year 35 students presented 23 projects from fifth, sixth and eighth grade. Charles...
As the city council gathered on Monday, Feb. 2, they waiting to hear from Dry Prairie Rural Water (DPRW) and Morrison-Maierle about getting an analysis and information needed to move ahead and get a higher ranking from the DNRC (Department of Natural Resources Council) for a grant to upgrade the Glasgow Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The city council unanimously approved funding a more up to date analysis on the costs for hooking up to DPRW, versus upgrading the WTP. That funding was approved with an additional $92,000 for a pilot testing and...
The Valley County Commissioners raised their grazing fees at their weekly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 4. Commissioner Bruce Peterson said that the county has roughly around 16,000 acres that is grazed, with about 11 different leases with an average of 2,500 AUM (Animal Units per Month). Peterson explained that the state also raised their grazing fees this year; they went up from $11.41 up to about $14.41. They county raised their fees from $9.35 to $11.50. He said that in the last three years the state and county have been raising their fees to...
Students at Irle Elementary got a vision of the past when it came to the good old school days. While they celebrated 100 days of school this year, a special guest was invited who is celebrating 100 years of life. Charlotte Wigness visited a few classrooms and students were able to ask a few questions. In Kathy Bell's first grade classroom she spoke a little bit on Friday, Jan. 30, about some differences in school from back in her day. She said in the first grade class that not many people owned...
Not one to circle the wagons to have a jamboree in his honor, Marlen Halverson was excited in the last week to be a part of something pretty big. He's known in the area as the "wagon man," and in Arizona where he weathers out the winter he's known as "Montana." Halverson said that he had some excitement before one of the biggest televised events in history took place not far from his winter retreat. One of his wagons, a prairie schooner, made it into the Dan Patrick Show. This particular wagon h...
The last Glasgow School District Board meeting held a lot of updates about the elementary school construction taking shape. Viewing from the outside, those passing by might notice a roof, walls and windows are all in place. They won't be able to see the daily progress on the inside, but that progress is happening rapidly. The project remains on time and on task at this point, but it was clear there were still some challenges ahead. Glasgow School District Owner's Representative Eric Hulteng repo...
There was goofy dancing, shouting competitions and a lot of jazz, rock and roll, and country shaking the Elks Lodge on Saturday, Jan. 31. With a slight change in tune, the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce brought in some professional dueling pianists to ring in the new year, new board and president. It was a huge success. Executive Director Lisa Olk said it was one of the most well attended chamber awards banquet in at least a decade. Around 300 people showed up for a little entertainment and drinks. The gavel was passed as the 2014 Chamber...
Over two decades with only small changes led to a much bigger change taking place locally. Valley View Home saw a little shakeup in September when Health Management Services stepped in to help turn things around for the full time care facility. Administrator Kandi Svenningson explained that the building had been running on a budget and with some policies that hadn't changed in around 20 years. She explained that Medicaid cuts and a freeze that didn't help pay the full costs to cover each resident. The board met and discussed different ways to...
It was a hurdle finally jumped on Thursday, Jan. 29. The U.S. Senate finally passed the Keystone XL Pipeline bill with enough votes to overcome a veto. The final count was 62-36 and Sen. Jon Tester did vote in favor of the pipeline in the end. With amendments added to the bill it will have to travel back to the House and get final approval. The House passed the bill earlier in January, but there weren't enough votes to overcome a veto. A total of 67 votes will be needed to override a presidential veto. A press secretary from the White House...
A controlled version of chaos could describe the scene at St. Raphael's Parish Hall in Glasgow. Children and adults of various ages gathered to cheer on, encourage and see the final outcome of hard work on small wooden cars. The annual Pinewood Derby is something that Boy Scouts across the nation take part in. It helps build several skills, including healthy competition. This year about 24 kids, ages 7 to 11, participated from Pack #898. Cub Master Blaine White somehow managed to keep the...
It's all about the small details. But bigger than the details is the passion for patriotism and history. Those are some of the qualities that got Glasgow East Side Middle School Sixth Grade Teacher Laurie Enebo noticed. Mike Zoanni, East Side School principal, kind of tricked her into accepting the nominations for the (Veterans of Foreign Wars) VFW Teacher of the Year. She admits she was hesitant, more than hesitant, she didn't want the recognition at all. But Zoanni was a little persuasive in...
Statewide complaints are being heard about crowded jail cells. Inmates are sleeping wherever beds might be able to fit and a lot of movement of prisoners from one jail cell to another has been taking place to cover the lack of spaces available. Valley County's jail has been housing an average of 30 inmates. Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier said that they have been charging other counties $60 a day to house inmates. Inmates have been held from Phillips, McCone, Roosevelt, Blaine, Hill and Custer counties and other various locations in the...
“It'll pass guys, relax! It's been seven years, what's the hurry,” one commenter stated on a social media post by the radio host of Voices of Montana, Aaron Flint. Once again the Keystone Pipeline has failed as the votes needed to overcome a veto in the Senate didn't come to fruition. A total of 60 votes were needed, and the final vote ending the debate was 53-39. The final vote was pushed to end the debate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell-R. The Courier interviewed Senator Jon Tester-D just over a week ago and he had stated they were dra...
If you don’t think Facebook has changed the world, take a look at the letter to the editor section. What used to be one of the more popular sections of the paper is now nearly non-existent. Of course we still have our columns and guest opinions in the opinions page. You just don’t see responses to those opinions anymore. Why? Well I argue the internet has changed it all. Two weeks ago, our Hinsdale sports correspondent and contributing Opinion page columnist wrote a piece on gay marriage. I spoke to him myself and said that I didn’t think...
Working on deadlines isn't always for the weak-hearted. Digging into stories that you're passionate about can make those weird off the clock hours more tempting. One local writer and editor for a national magazine is headed to New York to reap some of the benefits of his hard work. Andrew McKean, editor-in-chief for Outdoor Life, has made his job work while staying in Glasgow. McKean came to Glasgow to work for Fish, Wildlife and Parks and fell in love with the area. He explained that he...
It was a bit of news that caught statewide attention last week. The Fort Peck Journal covered the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribal Council decision to legalize medical marijuana during their first meeting in the new year. Headlines were splashed around in December that the Obama administration was going to allow Native American tribes to decide amongst themselves whether or not they wanted to legalize and distribute marijuana. While that decision is up to the tribes, there will still be...
"It was kind of a surprise," Rob Davis said at the New Trends in Ag conference at the Cottonwood Inn on Jan. 14. He was awarded the Del Strommen Trend Setter Award by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture in front of an audience just over 100. Davis is a farmer with Box L Farms in Larslan. He explained that he grew up farming and ranching and he has hopes to share his passion with future generations. "Ag is all I've known my entire life; it's a passion of mine," Davis said. Ryan Fast, ch...